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Salinity is a major stress in agricultural production systems

Salinity affects plants and crops in various ways. Germination can fail or may be delayed, crop establishment, dry matter production and leaf area development may be decreased, seed set can decrease  and sterility increase. The severity of these effects depends on several factors: (i) the intensity of the stress, (ii) the climatic conditions and (iii) the resistance level of the genotype.
Salt stress affects the entire plant at all development stages and rice sensitivity to salt varies between growth stages. Salt resistance is composed of avoidance and tolerance components. In non-halophytes avoidance is defined as the ability to restrict the entry of ions into the shoot resulting in lower sodium concentration in the leaves.
My research has focussed on interactions between environmental conditions and stress expression in plants. We investigated the effect of season and or VPD on salt uptake and distribution, the genotypic variability in stress responses as well as salinity effects on development, growth and yield in various crops. Mainly we focussed on rice, but there is also work on barley, wheat, jatropha, and recently sweetpotao.

Salinity effects on rice



Kristian Johnson
Interactive effects of water saving irrigation and salinity on rice gentypes in the Mekong delta
Dissertation, University of Hohenheim - ongoing.

Folkard Asch
Physiologische Faktoren der Salzresistenz bei Reis (Oryza sativa L.). Dissertation, University of Hamburg, 1997.



"Modelling concepts for Sodium and Potassium Uptake in Rice Plants as a Function of Transpiration"
Master of Science Thesis 2004, Sankar Das [Bangladesh].

"Salinity Effects on Tiller and Leaf Appearance and on Development Rate of Individual Leaf Positions in Irrigated Rice"
Master of Science Thesis 2004, Keshav Dahal ([Nepal].


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Effect of seed priming on early seedling vigor of rice genotypes grown under salinity.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Tabea Mengen [Germany]




Asch, J., Johnson, K., Mondal, S., Asch, F. 2022.  Comprehensive assessment of extraction methods for plant tissue samples for determining sodium and potassium via flame photometer and chloride via automated flow analysis. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, open access. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202100344

Tatar, Ö., Brueck, H., Gevrek, M.H., Asch, F., 2010
Physiological responses of two Turkish rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to salinity. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 34 (6), 451-459.

Asch, F., Wopereis, M. S. C., 2001 
Responses of field-grown irrigated rice cultivars to varying levels of floodwater salinity in a  semi-arid environment. Field Crops Research 70, 127-137.

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Dörffling, K., 2000 
Salinity increases CO2 assimilation but reduces growth in field-grown, irrigated rice. Plant and Soil 218, 1-10.

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Miezan, K., Dörffling, K., 2000 
Leaf K/Na ratio predicts salinity induced yield loss in irrigated rice. Euphytica 113, 109-118

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Wittstock, C., Dörffling, K., 1999 
Sodium and Potassium Uptake of Rice Panicles as Affected by Salinity and Season in Relation to Yield and Yield Components. Plant and Soil. 207, 133-145.

Asch, F., Dörffling, K., Dingkuhn, M., 1995
Response of Rice Varieties to Soil Salinity and Air Humidity: a possible Involvement of Root-borne ABA. Plant and Soil 177, 11-19



Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Wopereis, M.S.C., Dörffling, K., Miezan, K.M.,  1997
A Conceptual Model for Sodium Uptake and Distribution in Irrigated Rice. In: Applications of Systems Approaches at the Field Level, 201-217. Eds. M. J. Kropff et al., Dordrecht, Kluver Academic Publishers

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Dörffling, K., 1997
Physiological Stresses of Irrigated Rice caused by Soil Salinity in the Sahel. In: Irrigated Rice in the Sahel: Prospects for Sustainable Development. Eds. K. M. Miezan, M. C. S. Wopereis, M. Dingkuhn, J. Deckers, T. F. Randolph. Pp 247-273. West Africa Rice Development Association, BP 2551, Bouaké 01, Cote d'Ivoire.




Mengen, A. T., Johnson, K., Asch, F., 2021.
"Effects of halo- and hydro priming on early rice seedling vigor under salinity"
Tropentag 2021: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Hohenheim, Germany


Nguyen, V.H., Asch, F., Germer, J., Duong, V.N., 2020.
"Applying geo-electric methods to investigate soil salinity in rice production systems in the Vietnam Mekong Delta".

Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL

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Wimmer, M., Asch, F., 2005.
"Relationships between transpiration, ion uptake and distribution in salt-stressed irrigated rice"
XV. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 14.-19. Sept. 2005, Beijing.

Dahal, K. P, Das, U. S., Asch, F., 2003. 
"Salinity in irrigated rice. I. Effects of salinity on tiller and leaf number, leaf appearance rate, and leaf duration."
Deutscher Tropentag 2003, October 8-10, University of Göttingen.

Das, U.S., Dahal, K. P., Asch, F., 2003. 
"Salinity in irrigated rice. II. Concept models to simulate salinity effects on leaf appearance, duration and transpiration.
Deutscher Tropentag 2003, October 8-10, University of Göttingen.

Asch, F., Dahal, K. P., Das, U. S., 2003. 
"Salinity in irrigated rice. III. Is the transpiration history of leaves indicative for the salt load of individual leaves?"
Deutscher Tropentag 2003, October 8-10, University of Göttingen.

Asch, F., Wopereis, M. S. C., 2000. 
"Yield responses of irrigated rice to salinity depend on development stage and stress level.
3rd International Crop Science Congress, August 17th-22nd, 2000. Hamburg, Germany

Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M.,  Dörffling, K., 1997. 
"Effects of Transpiration on Sodium and Potassium Distribution in Salt-Stressed Irrigated Rice."
Annual Meeting Society of Experimental Biology

 Salinity effects on barley and wheat



Oscar Obidiegwu
funded by the Food Security Center, University Hohenheim and the Foundation fiat-panis



"Untersuchungen zur genotypischen Salzresistenz von Gerste in semi-ariden Gebieten"
Diplomarbeit 2006, Said Dadshani [Afghanistan].



"Effects of VPD on threshold and slope of salt tolerance in barley"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Markus Kaiser, [Germany]



Badridze, G., Weidner, A., Asch, F., Börner, A., 2009
Variation in salt tolerance within a Georgian wheat germplasm collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 56 (8), 1125-1130.



Weidner, A., Badridze, G., Asch, F., Börner, A. 2009.
"Screening for Variability in Salt tolerance within a Georgian Wheat Germplasm Collection"
Tropentag 2009, October 6-8, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.

Weidner, A., Asch, F., Buck-Sorlin, GH., Börner, A. 2007. 
"QTLs for salt resistance vary with development stage in field-grown Barley".  Tropentag 2007, October 9-11, University of Kassel-Witzenhausen, Witzenhausen.

Weidner, A., Asch F., Buck-Sorlin, G., Dadshani, S., Börner, A., 2006
"Improving Salt Tolerance: A worldwide challenge for plant nutrition and breeding"
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Plant Nutrition: "Plant Nutrition meets Plant Breeding", 26.-28.10.2006, Hohenheim

Dadshani, S. A. W., Weidner, A., Buck-Sorlin G. H., Börner, A. , Asch, F., 2004
"QTL Analysis for Salt Tolerance in Barley" 
Deutscher Tropentag 2004, October 5 - 7, Humboldt University, Berlin

 Salinity effects on Sweet potato and Potato



Shimul Mondal
Salinity effects on Sweet potato
Dissertation, University of Hohenheim - ongoing.




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VPD and salinity effects on leaf area development and stomatal conductance in contrasting sweet potato clones
Master of Science Thesis Hemanth Kumar Pupalla [India]




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Effect of VPD and salinity on the transpiration rate of sweet potato leaves varying in age
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marc Neuberger [Germany]

Tagesrythmen in Transpiration und Photosynthese von Süßkartoffelblättern in Abhängigkeit von Salzstress, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit und Blattalter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Carlotta Muhle [Germany]

Transpiration und Photosynthese von Süßkartoffelblättern in Abhängigkeit von Salzstress, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit und Blattalter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Loraine Pesch [Germany]

Einfluss von Salzstress und VPD auf die Transpiration von Süßkartoffelsorten
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marielies Schopfhauser [Austria]

Einfluss von Salzstress auf die physiologische Aktivität von Bälttern unterschiedlichen Alters bei der Süßkartoffel.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Susanne Burgert, [Germany]

Einfluss von VPD auf die Ionenaufname und Verteilung bei Süßkartoffel unter Salzstress.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Linda Mvogo-Binelli, [Germany]

Auswirkungen von Salzstress auf die enzymatische Sauerstoffradikalentgiftung in Kartoffelblättern
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ines Münchinger [Germany]




Mondal, S., Rahaman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F. 2022. Potassium content is the main driver for salinity tolerance in sweet potato before tuber formation. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12599

Asch, J., Johnson, K., Mondal, S., Asch, F. 2022.  Comprehensive assessment of extraction methods for plant tissue samples for determining sodium and potassium via flame photometer and chloride via automated flow analysis. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, open access. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202100344




Mondal, S., Rahman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F., 2022.
"Water uptake does not drive sodium and chlorine uptake in sweetpotato genotypes exposed to salt stress"
Tropentag 2022: Can Agroecological Farming Feed the World, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Prague, Czech Republic


Mondal, S.,  Rahman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F., 2021.
"Physiological responses and ion accumulation of twelve sweetpotato clones subjected to salinity"
Tropentag 2021: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Hohenheim, Germany


Mondal, S., Burgert, S., Hartmann, J., Rahman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F., 2020.
"Salinity effects on the activities of ROS scavenging enzymes in leaves of two Sweet potato clones"
Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL




Natural Salinity in Senegal

 vegetative irrigated rice     salt stress effects on a rice panicle   

leaf appearance in rice affected by salinity 

Salinity trial on barley in Afghanistan 

Greehouse study on salinity effects on irrigated rice