Salinity effects on
nutrient uptake dynamics in hydroponically grown crops |
Sebastian Heintze
- Germany
Funds |
Projects |
PureCircles Project -
Maximizing Resource Use
Efficiency in the Water-Nutrient-Energy Nexus for Sustainable
Agriculture in Marginal Lands
- 11-2026) |
Paper |
Publications |
S.; Beckett, M.; Kriem, L.S.; Germer, J.; Asch, F. 2024.
A low-tech approach to mobilize nutrients from organic residues to
produce bioponic stock solutions, Agriculture 14, 928.
Students |
People |
des Ammonium/Nitrat Verhältnises in der Nährlösung auf die
Photosyntheserate hydroponisch wachsender Quinoa
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Lukas Liesenfeld [Germany] |
Salinity effects on
nutrient uptake dynamics in hydroponically grown crops |
Hemanth Puppala
- India
Funds |
Projects |
EXALT Project - BMBF -
Coupling thermal desalination
and dewatered salt discharge with hydroponic crop production using
heat pumps. Water Research in the Near and Middle East (MEWAC) 2022
- 2025 |
Paper |
Publications |
Students |
People |
Effects of
root zone salinity and VPD on growth and ion distribution dynamics
in hydroponically-grown Solanum lycopersicum L.
Master of
Science Thesis, Gawasker Gandamalla [India] |
unterschiedlicher Lichtquellen auf die Temperaturumwelt, das
Wachstum und die Evapotranspiration hydroponisch wachsender Quinoa
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Steffen Rauchenberger [Germany] |
Influence of
air humidity and salt stress on growth and nutrient uptake of
hydroponically grown quinoa and eggplant
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Alexandra Schmidt [Germany] |
Einfluss von
Lichtqualität und Infrarotstrahlung auf die Nährstoffaufnahmeraten von hydroponisch wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Marc Münst [Germany] |
Einfluss von
Luftfeuchtigkeit und Salzstress auf die
Nährstoffaufnahmeraten von hydroponisch wachsender Quinoa.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Gabriel Ahlenstorf [Namibia] |
des Nährlösungs-pH-Wertes mittels automatisch dosiertem NH4-
oder NO3+ in hydroponisch wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Greta Geltinger [Germany] |
Effekte der Lichtqualität auf die Wachstumsphysiologie von zwei
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Ann Sophie Bernhard [Germany] |
Modelling of sweet
potato responses to salinity |
Johanna Volk
- Germany
Funds |
Projects |
ATSAF Academy -
Model-supported identification of phenotypic traits and development
of a field-based screening tool for salinity tolerant sweet potato
2021-2024 |
Paper |
Publications |
Students |
People |
Evaluation of
side branch morphology and physiology of sweetpotato clones grown
under salinity
Master of
Science Thesis, Dhruv Patel [India]
supported by
Scientist Program |
Effects of
potassium fertilizer on physiological and morphological responses to
soil salinity in field-grown sweetpotato
Master of
Science Thesis, Jane Cypriyana [India]
supported by
Scientist Program |
effects on the responses of field-grown sweetpotato varieties to
root zone salinity kinetics.
Master of
Science Thesis, Theresa Schilberth [Germany]
supported by
Scientist Program |
Responses of
morphological and physiological traits to root zone salinity
kinetics in six field-grown sweetpotato varieties.
Master of
Science Thesis, Eugenio Giacopelli [Italy]
supported by
Scientist Program |
unterschiedlicher Kaliumdüngung auf die Salzstressantwort von
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Magnus Kempfle [Germany] |
dynamischen Salzstresses auf die Aufnahme und Verteilung von Natrium
und Kalium in zwei kontrastierenden Süßkartoffelsorten
Bachelor of Science
Thesis, Alexander Meierhöfer [Germany] |
Effects of
dynamic soil salinity on two contrasting sweet potato clones from
Bachelor of Science
Thesis, Noah Fleidl [Germany] |
Remote sensing of
photo protective pigments in climate change adapted wheat genotypes |
Geckem Dambo
- Malawi
Funds |
Projects |
ATSAF Academy - CIMMYT -
Remotely sensed spectral indices as indicators of climate resilience
in a wheat breeding context.
2021-2024 |
Paper |
Publications |
Students |
People |
Genotype x
Environment effects on leaf properties and pigment composition in
tropical bread wheat
Master of
Science Thesis, Deena Thankachan [India]
supported by
Scientist Program |
Genotypspezifische Antocyane in Blättern kontrastierender
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Helene Schwertheim [Germany] |
Effects of
VPD and drought on leaf properties and pigment composition in
tropical bread wheat.
Master of
Science Thesis, Christian Büser [Germany] |
Analyses of
genotypic differences in content and composition of photo-protective
pigments in wheat
Master of Science Thesis,
Daniel Welter
[Germany] |
Genotype x
Environment effects on leaf properties and pigment composition in
tropical bread wheat.
Master of
Science Thesis, Ilaria Parente [Italy]
supported by
Scientist Program |
atmosphärischer Dürre auf die
Pigmentzusammensetzung und Lichtadaptation von Weizenblättern.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Andree Guhl [Germany] |
atmosphärischer und bodenbürtiger Dürre auf die
Pigmentzusammensetzung und Lichtadaptation von Weizenblättern.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Tom Siegel [Germany] |
Photoprotektive Pigmente in Weizen
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Jana Beck
[Germany] |
Nutrient uptake and
growth of hydroponically cultivated crops under variable environmental
conditions |
Theresa Detering
- Germany
Funds |
Projects |
Scholarship from the Anton and Petra Ehrmann Research Training Group
"Water - People - Agriculture" |
HypoWave+ -
Implementierung eines hydroponischen Systems als nachhaltige
Innovation zur ressourceneffizienten landwirtschaftlichen
Wasserwiederverwendung. BMBF
2021-2023 |
Paper |
Publications |
Students |
People |
von Stickstoffverarmung auf die Photosyntheseraten hydroponisch
wachsender Tomaten
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Ingo Appenzeller [Germany] |
Effects of
root zone temperature on nutrient depletion dynamics and growth
performance of hydroponically grown Tomato.
Master of
Science Thesis, Susanne Werner [Germany] |
unterschiedlicher Wurzelraumtemperaturen auf die
Nährstoffaufnahmeraten von hydroponisch wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Felix Köhler [Germany] |
der Lichtintensität bei gleichbleibender Nitratgabe auf die Kalium- und
Kalziumaufnahme von hydroponisch-wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Emilia Fischer [Germany] |
von Nitratgabe bei gleichbleibender Lichtintensität auf die Kalium- und
Kalziumaufnahme von hydroponisch-wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Zoe Rühlmann [Germany] |
Effects of land-use
change on salt intrusion in rice production systems in the Vietnam
Mekong Delta |
Nguyen Hong Van
- Vietnam
- 2023 |
Funds |
Projects |
RiSaWa -
Rice production caught between salinity and drought – future options
for sustainable use of water in the Mekong Delta region. BMBF
2018-2021 |
Paper |
Publications |
Nguyen, V. H., Germer,
J., Asch, F. 2024.
Evaluating topsoil salinity via geophysical methods in rice production
systems in the Vietnam Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
Science 210, e12676,
https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jac.12676 |
Nguyen, V. H., Germer,
J., Nha, D.V., Asch, F. 2023.
Soil resistivity measurements to evaluate subsoil salinity in rice
production systems of the Vietnam Mekong Delta. Near Surface Geophysics
21, 288-299.
https://doi.org/10.1002/nsg.12260 |
V.H., Asch, F., Germer, J., Duong, V.N. 2020.
"Applying geo-electric methods to investigate soil salinity
in rice production systems in the Vietnam Mekong Delta".
Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition
security and its resilience to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.)
- Witzenhausen, DITSL |
Students |
People |
Varietal effects of
rice on greenhouse gas emission under varying water management in
the Vietnam Mekong Delta |
Vo Thi Bach Thuong
- Vietnam
- 2023 |
Funds |
Projects |
Scholarship from the
DAAD within the International PhD Programme „Agricultural
Economics and Related Science“ |
International Rice
Research Institute - IRRI |
RiSaWa -
Rice production caught between salinity and drought – future options
for sustainable use of water in the Mekong Delta region. BMBF
2018-2021 |
Paper |
Publications |
Vo, T.B.T.,
Johnson, K., Wassmann, R., Sander, O., Asch, F. 2024. Varietal effects on Greenhouse
Gas emissions from rice production systems under different water
management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
Science 210, e12669,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12669 |
Asch, F.,Johnson, K.,
Vo, T.B.T., Sander, O., Duong, V.N., Wassmann, R.
2023. Varietal effects on methane
intensity of paddy fields under different irrigation management. Journal
of Agronomy and Crop Science 209, 876-886.
Wassmann, R., Nelson,
K., Bui, Y.T., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Gummert, M., Asch, F., Vo, T.B.T.,
Butterbach-Bahl, K., Kiese, R., Janz, B., Mai, T.V., Sander, B.O.
2023. Context-specific Assessments
of Carbon Footprints of the Rice Value Chain: From Product-Labelling to
Potential Mitigation Impacts. The International Journal of Life Cycle
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-023-02176-8 |
Vo, T.B.T.,
Wassmann, R., Mai, V.T., Vu, D.Q., Bui, T.P.L., Vu, T.H., Dinh, Q.H.,
Yen, B.T., Asch, F., Sander, B.O. 2020.
Methane Emission Factors from Vietnamese Rice Production: Pooling Data
of 36 Field Sites for Meta-analysis. Climate 8 (6), 74.
https://doi.org/10.3390/cli8060074. |
T.B.T., Asch, F., Wassmann, R., Sander, B.O. 2021.
"Zonal and Seasonal Methane Emissions from Rice Production in
the Vietnamese Mekong Delta"
Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience
to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL |
T., Vo, T.B.T., Wassmann, R., Sander, B.O., Asch, F. 2020.
"Methane emissions of different Rice Varieties: Diurnal
emission patterns of three development stages".
Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience
to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL |
Students |
People |
effects in rice on greenhouse gas emissions under varying water
Master of Science
Thesis, Theresa Detering, [Germany]
supported by
Scientist Program |
Interactive effects
of water saving irrigation and salinity on rice gentypes in the
Mekong delta |
Kristian Johnson
- United States of America
- 2023 |
Funds |
Projects |
Scholarship from the Anton and Petra Ehrmann Research Training Group
"Water - People - Agriculture" |
RiSaWa -
Rice production caught between salinity and drought – future options
for sustainable use of water in the Mekong Delta region. BMBF
2018-2021 |
Paper |
Publications |
Johnson, K., Vu,
H. D., Asch, F. 2024.
Traits contributing to salinity tolerance in rice genotypes from the
Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12679,
https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jac.12679 |
Vo, T.B.T.,
Johnson, K., Wassmann, R., Sander, O., Asch, F.
Varietal effects on Greenhouse
Gas emissions from rice production systems under different water
management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
Science 210, e12669,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12669 |
Asch, F.,Johnson, K.,
Vo, T.B.T., Sander, O., Duong, V.N., Wassmann, R.
2023. Varietal effects on methane
intensity of paddy fields under different irrigation management. Journal
of Agronomy and Crop Science 209, 876-886.
http://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12662. |
Johnson, K., Vo, T.B.T., Asch, F.
2023. Genotypic responses of
rice to alternate wetting and drying irrigation in the Mekong Delta.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.
Asch, J., Johnson, K., Mondal, S., Asch,
F. 2022. Comprehensive assessment of extraction methods for
plant tissue samples for determining sodium and potassium via flame
photometer and chloride via automated flow analysis. Journal of Plant
Nutrition and Soil Science, open access.
https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202100344 |
K. 2020.
Mobilisation, Dry Matter Partitioning, and K/Na Ratio of Rice (Oryza
sativa) Seedlings in Response to Varying Levels of Salt Stress".
Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience to
global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL |
A. T., Johnson, K., Asch, F.,
"Effects of halo- and hydro priming on early rice seedling
vigor under salinity"
Tropentag 2021: Food and nutrition security and its resilience
to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Hohenheim, Germany |
Students |
People |
Screening a
Mekong Delta set off lowland rice varieties for tolerance to water
Master of Science Thesis, Ravindra Reddy
[India] |
Effect of
seed priming on early seedling vigor of rice genotypes grown under
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Tabea Mengen
[Germany] |
Salinity effects on
sweet potato |
Shimul Mondal -
- 2023 |
Funds |
Projects |
Strengthening food
system resilience in Asia’s mega deltas with salt tolerant
sweetpotato and potato BMZ 2018-2020 |
Stipend from Bangladesh
Government |
Paper |
Publications |
Mondal, S., Rahman, E.H., Asch, F.
2024. Ion uptake and distribution in sweet potato genotypes
subjected to salt stress is not driven by transpiration. Journal of
Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12673,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12673 |
Mondal, S., Burgert, S., Asch, J., Rahman,
E.H., Asch, F. 2023.
Salinity effects on the activities of ROS scavenging enzymes in
leaves of two sweet potato clones. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12657 |
Mondal, S.,
Rahaman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F. 2022.
Potassium content is the main driver for salinity tolerance in sweet
potato before tuber formation. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12599 |
Asch, J., Johnson, K., Mondal, S., Asch,
F. 2022. Comprehensive assessment of extraction methods for
plant tissue samples for determining sodium and potassium via flame
photometer and chloride via automated flow analysis. Journal of Plant
Nutrition and Soil Science, open access.
https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202100344 |
S., Rahman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F.,
"Water uptake does not drive sodium and chlorine uptake
in sweetpotato genotypes exposed to salt stress"
Tropentag 2022: Can Agroecological Farming Feed the World, Tielkes, E. (ed.) -
Prague, Czech Republic |
S., Rahman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F.,
"Physiological responses and ion accumulation of twelve
sweetpotato clones subjected to salinity"
Tropentag 2021: Food and nutrition security and its resilience
to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Hohenheim, Germany |
S., Burgert, S., Hartmann, J., Rahman, E. H. M. S., Asch, F.,
"Salinity effects on the activities of ROS scavenging enzymes
in leaves of two Sweet potato clones"
Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its resilience
to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL |
Students |
People |
Effect of VPD
and salinity on the transpiration rate of sweet potato leaves
varying in age
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marc Neuberger
[Germany] |
VPD and
salinity effects on leaf area development and stomatal conductance in contrasting sweet potato
Master of Science Thesis Hemanth Kumar
Pupalla [India] |
in Transpiration und Photosynthese von Süßkartoffelblättern in
Abhängigkeit von Salzstress, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit und
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Carlotta Muhle
[Germany] |
und Photosynthese von Süßkartoffelblättern in Abhängigkeit von
Salzstress, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit und Blattalter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Loraine Pesch
[Germany] |
Einfluss von
Salzstress und VPD auf die Transpiration von Süßkartoffelsorten
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marielies
Schopfhauser [Austria] |
Einfluss von Salzstress auf die physiologische Aktivität von
Bälttern unterschiedlichen Alters bei der Süßkartoffel.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Susanne Burgert, [Germany] |
Einfluss von
VPD auf die Ionenaufname und Verteilung bei Süßkartoffel unter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Linda
Mvogo-Binelli, [Germany] |
von Salzstress auf die enzymatische Sauerstoffradikalentgiftung in
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ines Münchinger
[Germany] |
Bacterial mitigation
of iron toxicity symptoms in rice |
Tanja Weinand - Germany
Funds |
Projects |
Universität Hohenheim und Universität
Tübingen - Afrika Initiative |
Paper |
Publications |
Weinand, T.,
El-Hasan, A., Asch, F. 2023.
Role of Bacillus spp. Plant Growth Promoting Properties in Mitigating
Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Lowland Rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Microorganisms 2023, 11(9), 2327.
https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11092327 |
Weinand, T. Asch, J., Asch, F.
2023. Effects of endophytic
Bacillus spp. on uptake and distribution of iron in lowland rice
grown under iron toxic conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil
Science, 186, 351-363.
https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202200426 |
Dimpka, C.,
Weinand, T., Asch, F., 2009
Plant–rhizobacteria interactions alleviate abiotic stress
conditions. Plant, Cell, and Environment 32, 1682-1694. |
T., Asch, J., Asch, F. 2022. "Effect
of Bacillus spp. on enzyme activity and potassium uptake
in lowland rice (Oryza sativa) under iron toxicity.". Tropentag
conference 2022, September 14-16,
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. |
T., Schierling, T., Asch, J., Kaufmann, B., El-Hasan, A.,
Voegele, R. T., Asch, F. 2021. "Bacillus-mediated
cross-protection against iron toxicity and brown spot desease (Bipolaris
oryzae) in lowland rice.". Tropentag
conference 2021, September 15-17,
University of Hohenheim, Germany. |
T., Zeeshan, I.G., Hartmann, J., Asch, F. 2020. "Bacillus-mediated
changes in iron partitioning and sequestration in lowland rice
under iron toxic conditions". Tropentag
conference 2020, September 9-11,
Virtual Conference, Germany. |
Students |
People |
von Eisentoxizität auf
die Oxidationskraft von Nassreiswurzeln im Sortenvergleich.
Bachelor of
Science Thesis, Jadzia Hack [Germany] |
endophytischer Bazillusstämme auf die Morphologie und
Oxidationskraft von Nassreiswurzeln
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Gideon Handschuh,
[Germany] |
Basiert die Stressvermittlung durch Bazillus bei Reis auf der
ACC-deaminase Aktivität der beteiligten Bakterien?.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Philipp Merx, [Germany] |
Aufnahme und
Verteilung von endophytischen Bacillusstämmen in Nassreis
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Rebekka Steinhart, [Germany] |
Aufnahme und
Verteilung von endophytischen Bakterien in Reis.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sina Hartl
[Germany] |
Effects of land-use
on salinity built up in irrigated rice production systems in
the Mekong delta of Vietnam |
Pia Schneider - Germany
- 2019 |
Funds |
Projects |
RiSaWa -
Rice production caught between salinity and drought – future options
for sustainable use of water in the Mekong Delta region. BMBF
2018-2021 |
Paper |
Publications |
Schneider, P., Asch, F.
2020. Rice production and food
security in Asian Mega deltas—A review on characteristics,
vulnerabilities and agricultural adaptation options to cope with climate
change. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 491-503.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12415. |
Schneider, P.,
Sander B.O., Wassmann, R., Asch, F.
Potential and versatility of WEAP software (Water Evaluation and
Planning System) for impact assessments of Alternate Wetting and Drying
in irrigated rice. Agricultural Water Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2019.03.030 |
Schneider, P.
Steigender Meeresspiegel gefärdet Reisanbau in asiatischen
Megadeltas. Universität Hohenheim, Tag der offenen Tür, 7.7.2018. |
Schneider, P.,
Sander, B.O., Asch, F., Wassmann, R. 2017.
Coping with water scarcity: Alternate Wetting and Drying as
mitigation strategy for water-shortages in a rice irrigation system
in the Philippines. Future Agriculture: Socio-ecological
transitions and bio-cultural shifts - Tropentag 2017, 20.-22.9.2017,
Bonn, Germany |
Students |
People |
Effects of
temperature and vapor pressure deficit on genotypic responses to
nitrogen nutrition and weed competition in lowland rice |
Hoang Duy Vu
- Vietnam
- 2021 |
Funds |
Projects |
DAAD stipend |
Paper |
Publications |
Vu, H. D.,
Stuerz, S. , Asch F. 2021.
Rice–weed competition in response to nitrogen form under high and low
transpirational demand. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, open
access, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12562
Vu, H. D.,
Stuerz, S. , Asch F. 2021.
Leaf gas exchange of lowland rice in response to nitrogen source and
vapor pressure deficit. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil
Science, in press. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202100032 |
Vu, H. D.,
Stuerz, S. , Asch F. 2020.
Nutrient uptake and assimilation under varying day and night root zone
temperatures in lowland rice. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil
Science 183, 602-614. DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201900522 |
Vu, D. H., Stuerz, S., Asch, F.
"Nutrient and Water Uptake of Rice in Response to Day and
Night Root Zone Temperatures under Different Vapour Pressure
In: Tropentag 2019: Filling gaps and removing traps for
sustainable resources manage-ment, Tielkes, E. (ed.) Aufl. -
Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2019 |
Vu, D.
H., Stuerz, S., Asch, F. 2015.
"Growth response of rice to different vapor pressure
deficit and diurnal temperature patterns".
"Management of land use systems for enhanced food security -
conflicts, controversies, and resolutions." -
Tropentag 2015, September 16-18, Berlin, Germany. |
Students |
People |
Tipping points and
ecosystem services in mountainous plantation systems in south east
Asia |
Kevin Thellmann -
- 2020 |
Funds |
Projects |
Scholarship from the Anton and Petra Ehrmann Research Training Group
"Water - People - Agriculture" |
Surumer |
SOS uplands |
Paper |
Publications |
Thellmann, K.,
Golbon, R., Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F.
Assessing hydrological ecosystem services in a rubber-dominatedwatershed
under scenarios of land use and climate change. Forests, 10 (2), 176;
DOI: 10.3390/f10020176. |
K., Cotter, M., Baumgartner, S., Treydte, A., Cadisch, G., Asch,
F. 2018.
Tipping Points in the Supply of
Ecosystem Services of a Mountainous Watershed in Southeast Asia.
Sustainability 10, 2418. doi:10.3390/su10072418 |
K., Blagodatsky, S., Häuser, I., Liu, H., Wang, J., Asch, F., Cadisch,
G., Cotter, M. 2017
Assessing Ecosystem Services in Rubber Dominated Landscapes in
South-East Asia—A Challenge for Biophysical Modeling and
Transdisciplinary Valuation. Forests 2017, 8 (12), 505;
doi:10.3390/f8120505 |
Thellmann, K., Golbon,
R., Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F., 2019
Estimating hydrological ecosystem services under scenarios of land
use and climate change in a mountainous watershed in Xishuangbanna,
South-West China.
Agricultural Land Use and Feedbacks in a Changing Climate Conference
2019, Stuttgart, Germany. |
Thellmann, K., Golbon,
R., Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F., 2018.
Assessing the efficiency of land use planning to preserve
hydrological ecosystem services under scenarios of climate change
for a mountainous watershed in Xishuangbanna, South-West China.
ESP Europe 2018: Ecosystem Services in a changing world: Moving from
theory to practice, San Sebastián, Spain. |
Thellmann, K., Golbon,
R., Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F., 2018.
Assessing the efficiency of land use planning to preserve
hydrological ecosystem services under scenarios of climate change
for a mountainous watershed in South-East Asia.
Tropentag 2018: Global food security and food safety: The role of
universities, Ghent, Belgium. |
Thellmann, K.,
Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F., 2018.
"Identifying Tipping Points in the Supply of Ecosystem Services in a
Mountainous Watershed in South-East Asia using Spatially Explicit
FOOD 2030 Congress: Towards sustainable agri-food systems, 5.-6.
September 2018, Stuttgart, Germany. |
Thellmann, K.,
Cotter, M., Cadisch, G., Asch, F., 2018.
"Modeling the impact of land-use change on ecosystem services and
biodiversity in a mountainous watershed."
Symposium: Umweltrisiken in der Wasserforschung - Inter- und
transdisziplinäre Bewertungen und Perspektiven, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Students |
People |
Modelling grassland
x grazing interactions with LUCIA |
Benjamin Warth -
Funds |
Projects |
Savanna -
“Underutilized or unprotected? New methods for analyzing diverging
perspectives on the large-scale conversion of tropical grassland
eco-systems” -
Elrichshausen Stiftung |
Paper |
Publications |
Warth, B., Marohn, C.,
Asch, F. 2021. Improved
simulation of plant-animal interactions in African savannas with the
extended land use change model LUCIA. Ecological modelling 446 -
109496. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109496 |
Warth, B.,
Marohn, C., Asch, F. 2020.
Modelling land use change effects on ecosystem functions in African
Savannas – a review . Global Food Security 26, 100421,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100421 |
B., Mahron, C. , Asch, F. 2017
Savannah grassland intensification impacts - integrating vegetation
community functions into physiological crop models"
Future Agriculture: Socio-ecological
transitions and bio-cultural shifts - Tropentag 2017, 20.-22.9.2017,
Bonn, Germany |
B., Mahron, C., Asch, F. 2019.
"Assessing Impacts of Crop Expansion and Overstocking in
Kenyan Savannah Rangelands Using the LUCIA Model."
In: Tropentag 2019: Filling gaps and removing traps for
sustainable resources manage-ment, Tielkes, E. (ed.) Aufl. -
Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2019 |
Students |
People |
Effects of
the conversion of grasslands to crop lands on field water dynamics
in Kenya
Master of Science Thesis, Gabriella
Soto-Velez, [USA] |
Herd grazing
effects on vegetation dynamics in Kenya
Master of Science Thesis, Anna Seidel [Germany] |
Genotypic thermal
responses in high altitude lowland rice |
Bayuh Belay
Abera - Ethiopia
- 2021 |
Funds |
Projects |
RiceAdvice-EA - Improving rice farmers’
decision making in lowland rice-based systems in East Africa.
2015-2018 |
Paper |
Publications |
Abera, B.B., Senthilkumar, K., Cotter,
M., Asch, F. 2021. Transplanting
as an option to cope with abiotic stress in high-altitude lowland rice
production systems in East-Africa. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science,
open access, https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12540 |
Abera, B.B., Stuerz,
S., Senthilkumar, K., Cotter, M., Rajaona, A., Asch, F.
2020. Season‐specific varietal
management as an option to increase rainfed lowland rice production in
East African high altitude cropping systems. Journal of Agronomy and
Crop Science 206, 433-443. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12418. |
Cotter, M., Asch, F.,
Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Senthilkumar, K., Rajaona, A.,
Razafindrazaka, A., Saito, K., Stuerz, S. 2020.
Creating the data basis to adapt agricultural decision support tools to
new environments, land management and climate change—A case study of the
RiceAdvice App. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 423-432.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12421. |
Stuerz, S., Shrestha,
S.P., Schmierer, M., Vu, D.H., Hartmann, J., Sow, A.,
Razafindrazaka, A., Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Asch, F.
2020. Climatic determinants of lowland
rice development. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 466-477.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12419. |
Abera, B.
B., Cotter, M., Senthilkumar, S., Rajaona, A., Asch, F. 2018.
"Transplanting instead of direct seeding as an option to
mitigate abiotic stress conditions in rainfed lowland rice in
high altitude rice systems of Ehtiopia".
Tropentag 2018, September 17-19, Ghent, Belgium. |
B.B., Cotter, M., Senthilkumar, K., Asch, F. 2017
"Variation in Phenological Development and Yield Performance
of Rice Genotypes under Cold Stress in the Fogera Plain,
Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, University of Bonn, Germany |
Students |
People |
Nutrient dynamics in
high-altitude lowland rice |
Boshuwenda -
Funds |
Projects |
Improving rice farmers’
decision making in lowland rice-based systems in East Africa.
2015-2018 |
Paper |
Publications |
Chuma, B.A., Cotter,M.,
Kalisa, A., Rajaona, A., Senthilkumar, K, Stuerz, S., Vincent, I.,
Asch, F. 2020. Altitude, temperature,
and N Management effects on yield and yield components of contrasting
lowland rice cultivars. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206,
456-465. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12420. |
Cotter, M., Asch, F.,
Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Senthilkumar, K., Rajaona, A.,
Razafindrazaka, A., Saito, K., Stuerz, S. 2020.
Creating the data basis to adapt agricultural decision support tools to
new environments, land management and climate change—A case study of the
RiceAdvice App. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 423-432.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12421. |
Stuerz, S., Shrestha,
S.P., Schmierer, M., Vu, D.H., Hartmann, J., Sow, A.,
Razafindrazaka, A., Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Asch, F.
2020. Climatic determinants of lowland
rice development. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 466-477.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12419. |
Boshuwenda, A. C., Senthilkumar, K., Rajaona, A., Kalisa, A.,
Cotter, M., Asch, F., 2018.
"Effect of fertilizer rates and splits on lowland rice
in two temperature environments in Rwanda - with a special focus
on the effectivity of basal applications"
Tropentag 2018, September 17-19, University of Ghent, Belgium. |
I., Boshuwenda, A. C., Senthilkumar, K., Rajaona, A., Asch, F., 2018.
"Linking leaf color charts and crop N-status to guide
fertilizer application in highland rice production systems of
Tropentag 2018, September 17-19, University of Ghent, Belgium. |
Students |
People |
temperature related N dynamics in high altitude rice production
Master of Science Thesis, Isaac Vincent [USA]
supported the
ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program |
responses of lowland rice to high-altitudes |
Ando Razafindrazaka -
Funds |
Projects |
RiceAdvice-EA - Improving rice farmers’
decision making in lowland rice-based systems in East Africa.
2015-2018 |
Paper |
Publications |
Razafindrazaka, A.,
Stuerz, S., Cotter, M., Rajaona, A., Asch, F.
2020. Genotypic yield responses of lowland rice in
high‐altitude cropping systems. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
206, 444-455. https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12416. |
Cotter, M., Asch, F.,
Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Senthilkumar, K., Rajaona, A.,
Razafindrazaka, A., Saito, K., Stuerz, S. 2020.
Creating the data basis to adapt agricultural decision support tools to
new environments, land management and climate change—A case study of the
RiceAdvice App. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 423-432.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12421. |
Stuerz, S., Shrestha,
S.P., Schmierer, M., Vu, D.H., Hartmann, J., Sow, A.,
Razafindrazaka, A., Abera, B.B., Chuma, B.A., Asch, F.
2020. Climatic determinants of lowland
rice development. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 206, 466-477.
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12419. |
E., Razafindrazaka, A. L., Rajoana, A., Asch, F. 2018.
"Assessing seed germination and seedling vigor in rice
under different thermal regimes"
Tropentag 2018, September 17-19, University of Ghent,
Poster award - First prize.
Razafindrazaka, A.L., Cotter, M., Rajaona, A., Asch, F. 2017
"Spikelet sterility of lowland rice related to temperature at
booting stage in different thermal environments in Madagascar"
Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, University of Bonn, Germany |
Students |
People |
Early leaf
area development and leaf area responses to variable thermal
environments of lowland rice genotypes in high altitude cropping
systems in Madagascar
Master of Science Thesis, Eugen Jedig
supported by the foundation fiat panis |
Soil Moisture Dynamics in Integrated Crop - Livestock - Forestry
Systems in the Cerrado Biome in Central - West Brazil |
Sarah Glatzle - Germany
- 2021 |
Funds |
Projects |
Scholarship from the Anton and Petra Ehrmann Research Training Group
"Water - People - Agriculture" |
Paper |
Publications |
S.; de Almeida, R.G.; Pereira Barsotti, M.; Bungenstab, D.J.; Giese,
M.; Macedo, M.C.M.; Stuerz, S.; Asch, F.
2024. Integrated Land-Use Systems Contribute to Restoring
Water Cycles in the Brazilian Cerrado Biome. Land, 13, 221.
https://doi.org/10.3390/land13020221 |
Glatzle, S.,
Stuerz, S., Giese, M., Pereira, M., de Almeida, R. G., Bungenstab,
D., Macedo, M. C. M., Asch, F. 2021.
Seasonal dynamics of radiation, soil moisture, and aboveground grass
biomass in a mature integrated-crop-livestock-forestry system in
Central-West Brazil. Agriculture 11, 245.
https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11030245 |
Pereira, M.,
Morais, M. da G., Fernandes, P.B., Santos, V.A.C. dos, Glatzle, S.,
Almeida, R.G. de. 2021.
Beef cattle production on Piatã grass pastures in silvopastoral
systems. Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales 9, 1–12.
https://doi.org/10.17138/tgft(9)1-12 |
S., Giese, M., Almeida, R. G., Bungestab, D. J., Asch, F. 2017
"Soil Moisture and Microclimate in Integrated
Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems of Central West Brazil"
Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, University of Bonn, Germany |
Huebner, S.,
Glatzle, S., Giese, M., Almeida, R.G., Asch, F. 2017.
"Field water dynamics in integrated systems in the Brazilian
Cerrado region"
Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, University of Bonn, Germany |
S., Giese, M., Asch, F. 2015
"Screening for water saving traits of common fodder grasses
used in integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems of central
west Brazil"
Tropentag 2015, September 16-18, Berlin, Germany |
Students |
People |
of integrated farming systems in the Brazilian Cerrado eco-region
and its implications for the field water dynamics.
Master of Science Thesis, Severin Hübner
supported by the foundation fiat panis |
Water-smart cropping
calendars for East-African rainfed crop production systems |
Angela Schaffert -
Funds |
Projects |
Trans-Sec - Innovating Strategies
to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer:
A people-centered Approach.
BMBF 2013-2018 |
Paper |
Publications |
A., Schaffert, A., Germer, J., Asch, F. 2017
"Run-Off, Soil Moisture, and Weed Management Strategies to
Increase Water Productivity in Rain-Fed Crops in Tanzania"
Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, University of Bonn, Germany |
Students |
People |
and yield performance of upland rice under varying water supply
Master of Science
Kristina Klinkhammer
supported by GIZ/BEAF |
Effects of
water availability and water management on the performance of NERICA
4 under rainfed conditions in semi-arid areas, Tanzania
Master of Science
Alexandra Schappert
supported by the foundation fiat panis |
Genotypic and
physiological responses of potato to terminal drought stress |
Julia Hölle neé Auber -
- 2023 |
Funds |
Projects |
DryPotato - Improved potato
varieties and water management technologies to enhance WUE,
resilience cost effectiveness and productivity of smallholder farms
in stress-prone Central Asian environment
BMZ 2012-2015 - Collaboration with CIP |
Paper |
Publications |
Hoelle, J.,
Asch, F., Khan, A. 2024. Drought affects the synchrony of above and
belowground phenology in tropical potato. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
Science 210, e12675, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jac.12675
Hoelle, J.,
Asch, F., Khan, A. Bonierbale, M. 2024.
Suitability of the Stress Severity Index combined with remote-sensing
data as a tool to evaluate drought resistance traits in potato. Journal
of Agronomy and Crop Science 210, e12671,
https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12671 |
Hoelle, J.,
Asch, F., Khan, A. Bonierbale, M.
2020. Phenology-adjusted stress severity index to assess
genotypic responses to terminal drought in field grown potato.
Agronomy 10(9), 1298;
https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091298 |
J., Zumaran, J., Farafan, E., Bonierbale, M., Asch, F. 2017.
"Drought effects on the synchrony of above ground and below
ground phenology of five potato clones".
Tropentag 2017, September 20-22, University of Bonn, Germany |
L., Auber,
J., Farfan, E., Khan, M.A., Bonierbale, M., Asch, F. 2014
"Effects of drought stress on crop development, growth
and chlorophyll fluorescence in five potato clones".
"Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and
decreasing resources" -
Tropentag 2014, September 17-19, Prague, Czech Republic |
J., Khan, M.A., Farfan, E., Bonierbale, M., Asch, F. 2014
"Does combining canopy reflectance and canopy
temperature allow identifying drought resistance strategies in
"Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and
decreasing resources" -
Tropentag 2014, September 17-19, Prague, Czech Republic |
J.,Bonierbale, M., Asch, F. 2013
"Screening Potato for Drought Tolerance by Linking
Physiological to Morphological Traits".
"Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum" -
Tropentag 2013, September 17 - 19, Hohenheim, Germany |
Students |
People |
responses of field-grown potato to water deficit
Master of Science Thesis,
Leah Kuppinger [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF |
and spectral reflectance in potato clones under progressive drought
Master of Science Thesis, Jesus
Zamaran [Peru] |
Management of excess
standing biomass in Argentinean grasslands to increase grass and
livestock productivity |
Ditmar Kurtz -
- 2016 |
Funds |
Projects |
DAAD Stipend - Food
Security Center |
Research funds from
Tropenzentrum University of Hohenheim |
Paper |
Publications |
Kurtz, D. B.,
Giese, M., Asch, F., Windisch, S. H., Goldfarb, M.
C. 2018.
Effects of High Impact Grazing on Species Diversity and
Plant Functional Groups in Grasslands of Northern Argentina.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3153; doi.org/10.3390/su10093153 |
Kurtz, D. B.,
Asch, F., Giese, M., Huelsebusch, C., Goldfarb, M.
C., Casco, J. F., 2016
High impact grazing as a management tool to optimize biomass growth in
northern Argentinean grassland. Ecological Indicators 63, 100-109.
Kurtz, D., Giese, M., Navarro Rau, M.
F., Asch, F. 2014.
Is High Impact Grazing-Trampling a Management Option to Reduce
Excess Standing Biomass in Argentinean Grasslands?
"Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing
resources" -
Tropentag 2014, September 17-19, Prague, Czech Republic
D., Giese, M., Asch, F., Dickhoefer, U., 2018.
"High impact grazing enhances grass forage quality in
northern Argentina".
Tropentag 2018, September 17-19, University of Ghent, Belgium. |
S., Kurtz, D., Asch, F. 2015
"Does high impact grazing change plant species composition or
diversity of northern Argentinean grasslands?"
Tropentag 2015, September 16-18, Berlin, Germany |
D., Goldfarb, M., Quiros, O., Nunez, F., Asch, F. 2014
"Does high impact grazing and trampling affect
grasslands floristic composition?".
"Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing
resources" -
Tropentag 2014, September 17-19, Prague, Czech Republic |
D., Giese, M., Goldfarb, M., Verdoljack, J., Ybarra, D.,
Huelsebusch, C., Asch, F. 2013
"High impact grazing as management option for excess standing
biomass in Argentinean grasslands".
"Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum" -
Tropentag 2013, September 17 - 19, Hohenheim, Germany |
Falú, E., Brizuela, M., Kurtz, D., Giese, M., Asch, F. 2012
"Cattle and Sheep Foraging Behaviour in a Heterogeneous
Subtropical Grassland"
Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises -
Tropentag 2012
- 19-21 September 2012, Göttingen, Germany |
Students |
People |
Effect of
vegetation density on grazing behavior of free-ranging cattle in
grasslands of Northeast Argentina
Master of Science Thesis, Cecilia Molo
[Argentina] |
Effects of
repeated bunch grazing on fodder quality and species composition of
Argentinean pastures
Master of Science Thesis, Saskia Windisch
[Germany] |
"Monitoring the
encroachment of Northern Argentinean grasslands by invasive species
using NDVI"
Master of Science Thesis, Ruben Gonzales
[Argentina] |
von hoch-intensiv Beweidung auf die Bodenwasserdynamik in
Nord-Argentinischen Grasländern.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Rabea Mächtel
[Germany] |
Pasture Cropping as an Alternative Cropping System for Sub-Saharan
Africa |
Rohan Orford - Botswana
- 2020 |
Funds |
Projects |
DAAD Stipend - Food
Security Center |
Paper |
Publications |
Can intercropping food crops into perennial pasture improve water
use efficiency, risk profile, and sustainability of degraded dryland
Orford, R., Annandale, J., Van der Laan, M., Asch, F. 2015.
"Management of land use systems for enhanced food security -
conflicts, controversies, and resolutions." -
Tropentag 2015, September 16-18, Berlin, Germany. |
Students |
People |
"Effects of
variable water supply on root properties of sorghum and cowpea in
mono- and inter-cropped systems"
Master of Science Thesis, Mercy Bah
[Cameroon] |
quantum requirements, and energy demand for crop production in
controlled environments |
Marc Schmierer -
- 2020 |
Funds |
Projects |
Paper |
Publications |
M., Brueck, H., Asch, F., Sauerborn, J.
2021. Estimating the Quantum
Requirements for Plant Growth and Related Electricity Demand for LED
Lighting Systems. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und
Lebensmittelsicherheit, Volume 16 (1), 35-43. DOI:
10.1007/s00003-021-01314-4 |
Schmierer, M.
Knopf, O., Asch, F. 2021. Growth and Photosynthesis Responses of a
Super Dwarf Rice Genotype to Shade and Nitrogen Supply. Rice Science 28,
178−190 |
Schmierer, M.,
Knopf, O., Asch, F. 2016.
Growth dynamics and yield formation related to flag leaf
photosynthesis and PSII Fluorescence in Rice.
Solidarity in a competing world - fair use of resources - Book of
Abstracts - Tropentag 2016, University of Natural Resources and Life
Science, Vienna, Austria, p 133. |
O., Stuerz, S., Schmierer, M., Asch, F. 2019.
"Effects of P-nutrition and VPD on rice leaf morphology and
Tropentag 2019, September 18-20, University of Kassel, Germany
Poster award - First prize. |
M., Knopf, O., Asch, F. 2018.
"Analysis of yield components and photosynthetic limitations of
a dwarf rice varietey in response to shade".
Tropentag 2018, September 17-19, University of Ghent, Belgium. |
K., Stuerz, S., Schmierer, M., Asch F., 2018.
"Effects of day and night temperatures on rice
photosynthesis". Tropentag 2018, September 17-19,
University of Ghent, Belgium. |
Schmierer, M., Bruguera, E., Asch, F. 2015.
"Response of rice to changes in the green and far-red light
"Management of land use systems for enhanced food security -
conflicts, controversies, and resolutions." -
Tropentag 2015, September 16-18, Berlin, Germany. |
Schmierer, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F. 2012.
"Skyfarming – Staple Food Production in Cities - Light
vs Energy Demand".
Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises -
Tropentag 2012
- 19-21 September 2012, Göttingen, Germany. |
Students |
People |
Einfluss der
Windgeschwindigkeit auf die Transpiration und die Blattentwicklung
von drei Reissorten (Oryza sativa L.)
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sebastian Deimel
[Germany] |
Einfluss von
fernroter und grüner Zusatzbeleuchtung auf das Wachstum und den
Gaswechsel von Reis (Oryza sativa L.) während der Jugendentwicklung
Bachelor of Science
Thesis, Ezequiel Bruguera [Germany] |
von Wachstum und Kornertrag eines Superzwergreis-Genotyps auf
Veränderung des Stickstoff- und Lichtangebotes während der
generativen Phase.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Oliver
[Germany] |
Influence of
light quality and quantity on biomass accumulation in Fallopia
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Alexandra Schappert [Germany] |
Physiological and growth responses of
Jatropha curcas L. to water, nitrogen, and salt stress |
Arisoa Rajaona -
- 2012 |
Funds |
Projects |
WUJIM - Water-use
efficiency of Jatropha curcas in Madagascar
Stiftung 2008-2011
Paper |
Publications |
Rajaona, A.M., Brueck, H., Asch, F.,
Leaf gas exchange characteristics of
Jatropha as affected by nitrogen supply, leaf age, and atmospheric
vapour pressure deficit. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 199,
144-153. |
A.M.; Sutterer, N.; Asch, F., 2012
Potential of Waste Water Use for Jatropha Cultivation in Arid
Environments. Agriculture 2012, 2, 376-392. |
Rajaona, A.M., Brueck, H., Seckinger, C., Asch, F.,
Effect of salinity on canopy water vapor
conductance of young and 3-year old Jatropha curcas L. Journal of
Arid Environments 87, 35-41 |
Rajaona, A.M., Brueck, H., Asch, F., 2011
Effect of pruning history on growth
and dry mass partitioning of Jatropha curcas L. on a plantation site in
Madagascar. Biomass and Bioenergy 35, 4892-4900.
A., Sutterer, N., Asch, F. 2012
"Potential of Waste Water Use for Jatropha Cultivation in
Arid Environments"
Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises -
Tropentag 2012
- 19-21 September 2012, Göttingen, Germany |
A., Asch, F., Brueck, H. 2010
"Response of leaf
area and biomass partitionning of Physic nut to variable water
Tropentag 2010,
Zürich 14-16 Sep., ETH, Zürich, Switzerland |
A., Asch, F., Brueck, H. 2010
"Leaf age effects on intrinsic water-use efficiency of
Jatropha curcas".
Agro 2010 - the XIth ESA Congress, Montpellier.
Proceedings |
A., Brueck, H., Asch, F., 2009.
"Description of the spatial arrangement of Jatropha curcas
L. root system. A case study from Madagascar"
Tropentag 2009, October 6-8, University of Hamburg, Hamburg. |
Students |
People |
"The potential for irrigating
Jatropha curcas with waste water"
Master of Science
Thesis, Nele Sutterer [Germany] |
"Bewertung der Salztoleranz von Jatropha
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Christina Seckinger
[Germany] |
Environmental effects on physical properties of Geohumus and effects of its application on
drought responses of maize |
Nha Van Duong - Vietnam
- 2013 |
Funds |
Projects |
BATROS - Bodenmelioration
und Anbauverfahren für trockenheitsgefährdete Standorte
VIED 322 project -
Stipend |
Paper |
Publications |
Duong Van
Nha, Asch, F. 2012
"Effects of Geohumus on Physiological Traits of Maize (Zea
mays L cv Mikado) under Variable Water Supply"
Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises -
Tropentag 2012
- 19-21 September 2012, Göttingen, Germany |
Students |
People |
Genotypic responses of rainfed sorghum to a latitude gradient |
Lansah Abdulai - Ghana
- 2016 |
Funds |
Projects |
- Developing
rice and sorghum crop adaptation strategies for climate change in
vulnerable environments in Africa
BMZ 2008-2011 in collaboration with AfricaRice |
Paper |
Publications |
Abdulai, A. L.,
Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Asch, F., Giese, M., Brueck, H.,
Latitude and Date of Sowing Influences Phenology of
Photoperiod-Sensitive Sorghums. Journal of
Agronomy and Crop Science 198, 340-348 |
Abdulai, A.L.
Parzies, H., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Asch, F., Brueck, H.,
Yield stability of photoperiod-sensitive sorghum [Sorghum
bicolor L. (Moench)] accessions under diverse climatic environments.
International Journal of Agricultural Research 7, 17-32.
Morphological traits and development of sorghum ideotypes for
coping with climate variability in Mali
Abdulai, A. L., Brueck, H., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Asch, F. 2011
International conference on crop improvement, ideotyping and modeling
for African cropping systems under climate change (CIMAC), 7.-9. 2.
2011, Hohenheim, Germany |
Growth analysis of biomass production by diverse sorghum genotypes
under different scenarios of climate
Abdulai, A. L., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F.
European Society of Agronomy - AGRO2010 - XIth ESA Congress,
29.8.-3.8.2010, Montpellier |
Responses of Sorghum Varieties to Climatic Variability — a Case Study
Within the Risocas Project
Abdulai, A.L., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F.
Tropentag 2009: Biophysical and
Socio-economic Frame Conditions for the Sustainable Management of
Natural Resources, October 6 - 8, 2009, Hamburg, Germany -
Proceedings |
Students |
People |
responses of upland rice to an altitudinal gradient |
Suchit Shrestha - Nepal
- 2012 |
Funds |
Projects |
- Developing
rice and sorghum crop adaptation strategies for climate change in
vulnerable environments in Africa
BMZ 2008-2011 in collaboration with AfricaRice |
Paper |
Publications |
Shrestha, S.,
Asch, F., Brueck, H., Giese, M., Dusserre, J., Ramanantsoanirina, A.
Phenological responses of upland rice grown
along an altitudinal gradient. Environmental and Experimental Botany 89
, pp. 1-10 |
Shrestha, S., Asch, F., Dusserre, J., Ramanantsoanirina, A., Brueck,
H., 2012.
Climate effects on yield components as affected by genotypic responses
to variable environmental conditions in upland rice systems at different
altitudes. Field Crops Research 134 , 216-228 |
Shrestha, S., Brueck, H., Asch, F., 2012.
Chlorophyll Index, Photochemical Reflectance Index and Chlorophyll
Fluorescence Measurements of Rice Leaves Supplied with Different N Levels.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 113, 7–13 |
Shrestha, S.,
Asch, F., Dingkuhn, M., Becker, M., 2011
Cropping calendar options for rice – wheat production systems at
high-altitudes. Field Crops Research 121, 158-167.
S., Asch, F. Brück, H., Ramanantsoanirina, A., Dusserre, J.,
"Environmental Effects on Yield of Upland Rice Grown Along an
Altitude Gradient in Madagascar"
The 28th International Rice Research Conference, Climate
Change and Rice Agriculture; November 8 - 12, 2010; Hanoi,
Vietnam |
S., Brück, H., Asch, F. 2010.
"Diagnosis of Rice Leaf N Status by Photochemical Reflectance
Index (PRI) and Chlorophyll Index (SPAD)".
Tropentag 2010,
September 14-16, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland |
A., Duserre, J., Shresta,
S., Asch, F., 2009. "Temperature effects on the
phenology of upland rice grown along an altitude gradient in
Tropentag 2009,
October 6-8,University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
S., Asch, F., Brueck, H., Duserre, J., Ramanantsoanirina, A. 2009.
"Upland rice adaptation to variable water availability along an
altitude gradient in Madagascar".
Tropentag 2009,
October 6-8, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Proceedings |
Students |
People |
of upland rice grown at low and high altitude climatic conditions"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Juy-Kieu Chak,
[Germany] |
Effects of
water management on microclimate and yield physiology in irrigated
rice in semi-arid environments |
Sabine Stürz
- Germany
- 2014 |
Funds |
Projects |
- Developing
rice and sorghum crop adaptation strategies for climate change in
vulnerable environments in Africa
BMZ 2008-2011 in collaboration with AfricaRice |
Paper |
Publications |
Stuerz, S., Sow,
A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F.,
Leaf area development in response to meristem temperature and irrigation
system in lowland rice. Field Crops Research 163, 74-80. |
Stuerz, S., Sow,
A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F.,
Canopy microclimate and gas-exchange in response to irrigation system in
lowland rice in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 163, 64-73. |
Stuerz, S., Sow,
A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F.,
Yield components in response to thermal environment and irrigation
system in lowland rice in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 163, 47-54.
Stürz, S., Asch, F., Sow, A.,
Muller, B., Manneh, B., Dingkuhn, M., 2010.
"Phenological responses of irrigated rice in the Sahel"
Africa Rice Congress 2010, Innovations and Partnerships to
realize Africa's Rice Potential, 22-26 March 2010, Bamako, Mali
Poster award - First prize.
S., Asch, F., Sow, A., Muller, B., Manneh, B. 2010
"Intra-annual genotypic patterns of growth and water use of
irrigated rice in the Sahel".
Tropentag 2010,
Zürich 14-16 Sep., ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
Poster award - Third Prize.
J., Stürz, S., Manneh, B., Sow, A., Asch, F. 2010.
"Response of transpiration of lowland rice varieties to
water-saving irrigation".
Tropentag 2010,
Zürich 14-16 Sep., ETH, Zürich, Switzerland |
S., Sow, A., Schlegel, I., Manneh, B., Asch, F. 2009.
"Annual variation of water use and yield of irrigated
rice in the Sahel".
Tropentag 2009, October 6-8, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Poster award - First Prize.
Proceedings |
S., Schlegel, I., Sow, A., Asch, F. 2008.
"Physiological Responses of Lowland Rice Cultivars to
the Saturated Soil Culture System".
2008, October 7-9, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart.
Poster award - First Prize. |
Students |
People |
"Physiolgical aspects of water use
effciency in selected irrigated rice genotypes grown in the Sahel"
Julia Hartmann [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF |
"Physiological and agronomic responses of
selected rice genotypes to irrigation management practices in the
Master of Science Thesis, Isabel
Schlegel [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF |
Effects of seed coating on germination and early seedling growth
in cereals |
Linda Gorim
- Cameroon
- 2014 |
Funds |
Projects |
BATROS - Bodenmelioration
und Anbauverfahren für trockenheitsgefährdete Standorte
Freudenberger Feldsaaten |
Paper |
Publications |
Gorim, L., Asch, F.
Seed coating with hydro-absorbers as
potential mitigation of early season drought in sorghum (Sorghum
bicolor L. Moench).
Biology 6, 33; doi:10.3390/biology6030033
Gorim, L., Asch, F.
Seed coating increases seed moisture uptake
and restricts embryonic oxygen availability in germinating cereal seeds.
Biology 6, 31; doi:10.3390/biology6020031
Gorim, L., Asch
F., 2015
Seed coating reduces respiration
losses and affects sugar metabolism during germination and early
seedling growth in cereals. Functional Plant Biology 42, 209-218. |
Gorim, L., Asch
F., 2012
Effects of composition and share
of seed coatings on the mobilisation efficiency of cereal seeds during
germination. Journal of Agronomy and Crops Science 198, 81-91 - DOI:
L., Asch, F., Hattig, T., Bestajovsky, J. 2011
"The effects of coatings and/or rhizobia on the growth of
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa Verko.)"
Tropentag 2011, October 4-6, University of Bonn, Bonn,
Germany |
L., Asch, F. 2010
"Effects of Hydrophilic Coating on the Mobilisation of
Endosperm Reserves in Seedlings of Spring Barley (Hordeum
vulgare L. Maltasia)"
Tropentag 2010,
Zürich 14-16 Sep., ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
Poster award - nominated.
L., Asch, F. 2010
"Coating seeds with hydro-absorbers as
possible mitigation strategy for unreliable rainfall patterns in
early-sown Sorghum".
Agro 2010 - the XIth ESA Congress, Montpellier.
Proceedings |
Gorim, L.,
Trimborn, M., Asch, F. 2009.
"Remobilisation efficiency of coated cereal seeds during
germination depends on coat composition and size".
Plants for the Future - Botanikertagung 2009: Leipzig
6-10.9.2009. Book of Abstracts: 15. |
Gorim, L.,
Asch, F., Trimborn, M. 2009.
"Seed coating with hydro-absorbent properties as
possible mitigation strategy for unreliable rainfall patterns in
early-sown Sorghum".
Tropentag 2009, October 6-8, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Proceedings |
Students |
People |
von Mantelsaat auf das Keimverhalten von Süssgräsern unter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Gwendolin Krauss
[Germany] |
Lansah Abdulai
Bayuh Belay
Chuma Boshuwenda
Geckem Dambo
Teresa Detering
Nha Van Duong
Sarah Glatzle
Sebastian Heintze
Julia Hölle
Kristian Johnson
Ditmar Kurz
Shimul Mondal
Van Hong Nguyen
Rohan Orford
Hemanth Puppala
Arisoa Rajaona
Ando Razafindrazaka
Angela Schaffert
Marc Schmierer
Pia Schneider
Suchit Shrestha
Sabine Stuerz
Kevin Thellmann
Thuong Thi Bach Vo
Johanna Volk
Hoang Duy Vu
Benjamin Warth
Tanja Weinand
Linda Yuya