Soil melioration and Cultivation processes for drought-prone sites
Global climate
change will further increase irregular distribution of rainfall and
rain fall paterns. Regions in central Europe already suffering from
long summer droughts are prone to more severe stress situations in
the years to come. One way to decrease the severity of drought
events and to increase the duration of sufficient water availability
is the use of meliorates in the soil
Quantify the effects of different
soil meliorates and enhancers on the water holding capacity of
the soil and the effects on plant growth (Field trial Cottbus)
the effects of different soil enhancers on drought responses of
different plant species of the group of renewable energy plants
(Greenhouse in Bonn and field trial in Cottbus)
the effect of seed coat composition on germination and early
draought responses of several plant species from the group of
renewable energy plants.
The project
is financed by BMBF, the project leadership is located at the BTU in
Cottbus, the subproject 2.2 is conducted as a collaboration between
University of Bonn and University of Hohenheim. |
PD |
Dr. Manfred
responsible scientist in the project from 2006 to 2009 |
PhD |
Linda Gorim
Effects of seed coating on germination and early seedling growth
in cereals |
Duong Van Nha
effects on physicsal properties of Geohumus and effects of its
application on drought responses of maize" - PhD Thesis, Universität
Hohenheim, 2013 |
MSc |
Topic |
Messung von Blattwachstumsraten unter Feldbedingungen"
Diplomarbeit, Christian Heck [Germany]
BSc |
Topic |
von Mantelsaat auf das Keimverhalten von Süssgräsern unter
Trockenstress". Bachelor of Science Thesis,
Gwendolin Krauss
[Germany] |
von Bodenhilfsstoffen auf Wurzel-Spross-Signale von Mais unter
Trockenstress". Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sandra Abendschein
[Germany] |
"Influence of soil ameliorants on the
availability of micro nutrients to industrial crop plants grown on
marginal soils in Brandenburg"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Markus Winter [Germany] |
to project website |
to sub-project leader - Water stress management - University of Hohenheim
Freudenberger Feldsaaten GmbH |
Publications |
Paper |
Gorim, L., Asch, F., 2011
Effects of composition and share
of seed coatings on the mobilisation efficiency of cereal seeds during
germination. Journal of Agronomy and Crops Science - DOI:
10.1111/j.1439-037X.2011.00490.x. |
Book |
Gerwin, W. (Ed.), Schillem, S., Asch, F.,
Bens, O., Bestajowsky, J., Bruns, C., Gattinger, A., Hattig, T., Hoogen,
H., Hüttl, R. F., Raab, T., Rodionov, A., Schaaf, W., Schneider, B. U.,
Trimborn, M., 2011.
Bodenmelioration und
Anbauverfahren für trockenheitsgefährdete Standorte (BAtros). Cottbuser Schriften zur Ökosystemgenese und
Landschaftsentwicklung 10. BTU
Cottbus, Cottbus. Pp 120. |
Poster |
L., Asch, F. 2010.
"Coating seeds with hydro-absorbers as
possible mitigation strategy for unreliable rainfall patterns in
early-sown Sorghum". Agro 2010 - the XIth ESA Congress, Montpellier.
Proceedings |
L., Asch, F. 2010.
"Effects of Hydrophilic Coating on the Mobilisation of
Endosperm Reserves in Seedlings of Spring Barley (Hordeum
vulgare L. Maltasia)" Tropentag 2010,
Zürich 14-16 September, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland,
Poster award - nominated.
Gorim, L.,
Asch, F., Trimborn, M. 2009.
"Seed coating with hydro-absorbent properties as
possible mitigation strategy for unreliable rainfall patterns in
early-sown Sorghum". Tropentag 2009, October 6-8, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.
Gorim, L.,
Trimborn, M., Asch, F. 2009.
"Remobilisation efficiency of coated cereal seeds during
germination depends on coat composition and size". Plants for the Future - Botanikertagung 2009: Leipzig
6-10.9.2009. Book of Abstracts: 15.
Talks |
Effects of Soluble Salts on Water Holding Capacity of Hydrophilic
Polymers: A Case Study on Geohumus.
Duong, V. N., Asch, F. - Tropentag 2011
- Development on the margin - 5.-7. October 2011, University of Bonn |
Options for the
management of water use in energy crop production in areas prone to
summer drought. Trimborn, M., Heck, C., Asch, F., Brueck, H. X. Congress
of the European Society for Agronomy. Multi-functional Agriculture -
Agriculture as a resource for energy and environmental preservation.
Bologna, Italy 15-19 Sept. 2008 |