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Theses supervised between 2002 and today


Drought effects on leaf properties and pigment composition in spring wheat
Master of Science Thesis, Anna Abraham [India]

Effects of potassium nutrition on the salinity threshold of hydroponically-grown sweet potato
Master of Science Thesis, Manav Purswani [India]

Auswirkungen des Ammonium/Nitrat Verhältnises  in der Nährlösung auf die Photosyntheserate hydroponisch wachsender Quinoa
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Lukas Liesenfeld [Germany]

Effects of the light source and VPD on root zone temperature and growth of hydroponically-grown plants.
Master of Science Thesis, Swamy Tadalla [India]

Effects of root zone salinity and VPD on growth and ion distribution dynamics in hydroponically-grown Solanum lycopersicum L.
Master of Science Thesis, Gawasker Gandamalla [India]

Genotypic responses of sweet potato to water and nutrient management in saline fields.
Master of Science Thesis, Dayasagar Koyyada [India]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

Effects of root zone temperature on nutrient depletion dynamics and growth performance of hydroponically grown Tomato.
Master of Science Thesis, Susanne Werner [Germany]

Genotype x environment effects on leaf properties and pigment composition in tropical bread wheat
Master of Science Thesis, Prem Mathangi [India]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

Drought effects on leaf properties and pigment composition in field-grown spring wheat
Master of Science Thesis, Lalitha Gollapudi [India]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

Regulierung des Nährlösungs-pH-Wertes mittels automatisch dosiertem NH4- oder NO3+ in hydroponisch wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Greta Geltinger [Germany]

Genotype x Environment effects on leaf properties and pigment composition in tropical bread wheat
Master of Science Thesis, Deena Thankachan [India]
  supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

Effects of potassium fertilizer on physiological and morphological responses to soil salinity in field-grown sweetpotato
Master of Science Thesis, Jane Cypriyana [India]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

Evaluation of side branch morphology and physiology of sweetpotato clones grown under salinity
Master of Science Thesis, Dhruv Patel [India]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program


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Influence of air humidity and salt stress on growth and nutrient uptake of hydroponically grown quinoa and eggplant
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Alexandra Schmidt [Germany]

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Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Lichtquellen auf die Temperaturumwelt, das Wachstum und die Evapotranspiration hydroponisch wachsender Quinoa
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Steffen Rauchenberger [Germany]

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Auswirkungen von Stickstoffverarmung auf die Photosyntheseraten hydroponisch wachsender Tomaten
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ingo Appenzeller [Germany]

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Einfluss von Lichtqualität und Infrarotstrahlung auf die  Nährstoffaufnahmeraten von hydroponisch wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marc Münst [Germany]

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Genotype x Environment effects on pigment related traits for adaptation to stressed conditions in bread wheat.
Master of Science Thesis, Ilaria Parente [Italy]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

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Evaluating the influence of nutrient solution temperature on nutrient uptake, utilization, and biomass production of hydroponically-grown tomatoes.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Felix Köhler [Germany]


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Auswirkung saliner Bedingungen auf die Morphologie zweier Süßkartoffelgenotypen bei abgestufter Kaliumdüngung.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Magnus Kempfle [Germany]

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Einfluss von Luftfeuchtigkeit und Salzstress auf die Nährstoffaufnahmeraten von hydroponisch wachsender Quinoa.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Gabriel Ahlenstorf [Namibia]

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Effects of dynamic salinity on morphology, sodium and potassium uptake, and distribution of four contrasting sweet potato varieties under field conditions
Master of Science Thesis, Theresa Schilberth [Germany]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

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Effects of dynamic salinity on morphology, sodium and potassium uptake, and distribution of four contrasting sweet potato varieties under field conditions
Master of Science Thesis, Eugenio Giacopelli [Italy]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program


Auswirkungen von VPD auf die Pigmentzusammensetzung, Biomasse, Transpirationsrate und fotosynthetische Aktivität bei suptropischen Weizengenotypen
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Helene Schwertheim [Germany]

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Effekte der Lichtqualität auf die Wachstumsphysiologie von zwei Tomatensorten
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ann Sophie Bernhard [Germany]

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Evaluation of a low-tech approach to mobilize nutrients from organic residues for the production of a hydroponic nutrient solution
Master of Science Thesis, Sebastian Heintze [Germany]

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Effects of microbial inoculants on growth and salinity tolerance of hydroponically-grown tomatoes
Master of Science Thesis, Graham Giesting [USA]

Optimization of far red light in a small scale vertical farming system for Basil and Lettuce
Master of Science Thesis, Srujana Yadati [India]

Analyses of genotypic differences in content and composition of photo-protective pigments in wheat
Master of Science Thesis, Daniel Welter [Germany]

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Effects of drought, light intensity and leaf age on photosynthetic efficiency and pigment composition in sub-tropical bread wheat.
Master of Science Thesis, Christian Büser [Germany]

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Effects of dynamic salinity on morphology, sodium and potassium uptake and distribution in two contrasting sweet potato cultivars
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Alexander Meierhöfer [Germany]

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Effects of dynamic salinity on morphology, sodium and potassium uptake and distribution in two contrasting sweet potato cultivars
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Noah Fleidl [Germany]

Effects of repeated dry-down treatments on the morphology and photosynthate partitioning of lowland rice
Master of Science Thesis, Ravindra Reddy [India]

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Einfluss bodenbürtiger Dürre auf die Pigmentzusammensetzung und Lichtadaptation von Weizenblättern.
Bachelorof Science Thesis, Tom Siegel [Germany]


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Einfluss atmosphärischer Dürre auf die Pigmentzusammensetzung und Lichtadaptation von Weizenblättern.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Andree Guhl [Germany]

Einfluss von Nitratgabe bei gleichbleibender Lichtintensität auf die Kalium- und Kalziumaufnahme von hydroponisch-wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Zoe Rühlmann [Germany]

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Identifying genotype x environment interactions in a large set of lowland rice varieties.
Master of Science Thesis, Linda Groot Nibbeling [The Netherlands]
supported by
ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program

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Einfluss der Lichtintensität bei gleichbleibender Nitratgabe auf die Kalium- und Kalziumaufnahme von hydroponisch-wachsenden Tomaten.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Emilia Fischer [Germany]

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Einfluss von Eisentoxizität auf die Oxidationskraft von Nassreiswurzeln im Sortenvergleich.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Jadzia Hack [Germany]

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VPD and salinity effects on leaf area development and transpiration in two contrasting sweet potato clones
Master of Science Thesis, Hemanth Kumar Pupalla [India]


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Untersuchungen zu Lichtstresseffekten in Blättern von Kaffee, Süßkartoffel, Mais und Sorghum
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sonja Wild [Germany]

Intra and inter-population variation of Pisum fulvum L. in response to water limitation.
Master of Science Thesis, Prajwal R. Basavaraju [India]

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Photoprotektive Pigmente in Weizen
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Jana Beck [Germany]

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Effect of VPD and salinity on the transpiration rate of sweet potato leaves varying in age
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marc Neuberger [Germany]

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Reaktionen eines Halbzwergsorghum auf variable Wasserverfügbarkeit
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Annabell Huber [Germany]

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Tagesrhythmen in Transpiration und Photosynthese von Süßkartoffelblättern in Abhängigkeit von Salzstress, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit und Blattalter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Carlotta Muhle [Germany]

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Transpiration und Photosynthese von Süßkartoffelblättern in Abhängigkeit von Salzstress, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit und Blattalter
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Loraine Pesch [Germany]

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Potential for waste water usage in hydroponic systems in Ghana
Master of Science Thesis, Johanna Volk, [Germany]

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Modelling resource use competition in Paraserianthes falcataria - based agroforestry systems in  Indonesia
Master of Science Thesis, Cristine Kayser, [Brasil]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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Einfluss endophytischer Bazillusstämme auf die Morphologie und Oxidationskraft von Nassreiswurzeln
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Gideon Handschuh, [Germany]

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Varietal effects in rice on greenhouse gas emissions under varying water management.
Master of Science Thesis, Theresa Detering, [Germany]
supported by ATSAF-CGIAR Junior Scientist Program


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Einfluss von wassersparender Bewässerung auf die Kohlenstoffisotopensignatur von Nassreis
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Christian Büser [Germany]

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Einfluss von Salzstress und VPD auf die Transpiration von Süßkartoffelsorten
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Marielies Schopfhauser [Austria]

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Effect of seed priming on early seedling vigor of rice genotypes grown under salinity.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Tabea Mengen [Germany]

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Effects of VPD and light intensity on the transpiration rate of crop plants - a review
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Josias Kern [Germany].

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Assessment of the transferability of a regionally calibrated model for ecosystem services from South-East China to Northern Thailand.
Master of Science Thesis Gloria Deil [Germany]


Einfluss einer Saatumantelung auf die Trockenresistenz eines Halbzwerg-Sorghums während der Keimung
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Lara Mazlum, [Germany]

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Modeling genotype x environment interactions - a review
Master of Science Thesis, Lena Gabutti [Switzerland]

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Herd foraging and vegetation dynamics in a savanna system in Laikipia County, Kenya
Master of Science Thesis, Anna Seidel [Germany]

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Anbauoptionen für Nassreis in der Nordschweiz
Master of Science Thesis, Judith Meier, [Switzerland]


Basiert die Stressvermittlung durch Bazillus bei Reis auf der ACC-deaminase Aktivität der beteiligten Bakterien?.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Philipp Merx, [Germany]

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Einfluss von Salzstress auf die physiologische Aktivität von Blättern unterschiedlichen Alters bei der Süßkartoffel.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Susanne Burgert, [Germany]

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Blattmorphologische Anpassungen an atmosphärischen und bodenbürtigen Trockenstress bei Jatropha curcas.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Annika Schmitt, [Germany]

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Einfluss von VPD auf die Ionenaufname und Verteilung bei Süßkartoffel unter Salzstress.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Linda Mvogo-Binelli, [Germany]


Effects grassland conversion on soil moisture dynamics on Ol Maisor Ranch, Laikipia, Kenya
Master of Science Thesis, Gabriella Soto-Velez, [USA]

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Effects of P nutrition and VPD on rice leaf morphology and photosynthesis
Master of Science Thesis, Oliver Knopf [Switzerland]


Genotypic responses of Jatropha curcas L. to salinity stress.
Master of Science Thesis, Reah Gonzales [Trinidad Tobago]

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Aufnahme und Verteilung von endophytischen Bacillusstämmen in Nassreis
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Rebekka Steinhart, [Germany]

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Tag/Nacht Effekte auf Blattstreckungsraten von ausgewählten C3 und C4 Gräsern
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Rebecca Wolf, [Germany]


Auswirkungen von Salzstress auf die enzymatische Sauerstoffradikalentgiftung in Kartoffelblättern
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ines Münchinger [Germany]

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Germination and early seedling partitioning of lowland rice in variable thermal environments
Master of Science Thesis, Elena Begue [Germany]

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Water consumption and evapo-transpiration of fast growing trees in agroforestry systems in Kyrgyzstan
Master of Science Thesis, Daniel Villwock [Germany]


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VPD und Windeffekte auf die Transpiration ausgewählter Nassreissorten
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Eliana Häfele, [Germany]

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Effects of day and night temperatures on photorespiration of rice
Master of Science Thesis, Kristian Johnson [USA]

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Soil temperature related N dynamics in high altitude rice production systems.
Master of Science Thesis, Isaac Vincent [USA]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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Untersuchungen zur Salztoleranz tropischer Kartoffelgenotypen
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Johannes Brunner [Germany]

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Effect of ridging on water availability and yield performance of soybean in NE Ghana
Master of Science Thesis, Jessica Lloyd, [Canada]

Salzstresseffekte auf die Transpiration von ausgewählten Nassreisgenotypen
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Felix Baumann [Germany]


Auswirkungen von Pflanzenkohlebeimischungen und VPD auf die Bodenwasserhaltekapazität und das Transpirationsverhalten von Mais
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Lena Schöllig [Germany]


Auswirkungen von Pflanzenkohlebeimischungen auf die Bodenwasserhaltekapazität und das Transpirationsverhalten von Reis und Mais
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Suhail Ansari [Germany]



Microclimate of integrated farming systems in the Brazilian Cerrado eco-region and its implications for the field water dynamics.
Master of Science Thesis, Severin Hübner [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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Blattmorphologische Anpassungen an Wasserdefizit und atmosphärische Dürre bei Baumwolle.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Miriam Rüger [Germany]

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Aufnahme und Verteilung von endophytischen Bakterien in Reis.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sina Hartl [Germany]

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Evaluation of the versatility of WEAP as a planning tools for AWD rice production in the Philippines
Master of Science Thesis, Pia Schneider [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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Effect of organic matter and mineral fertilizer application on yield performance of soybean in NE Ghana
Master of Science Thesis, Ivan Landers [USA]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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Development of a locally adapted participatory monitoring system for rainfall distribution in NE Ghana
Master of Science Thesis, Meret Zeller [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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Effects of root zone temperature and P nutrition on photosynthesis in rice under varying VPD.
Master of Science Thesis, Silas Nägele [Germany]

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Early leaf area development and leaf area responses to variable thermal environments of lowland rice genotypes in high altitude cropping systems in Madagascar
Master of Science Thesis, Eugen Jedig [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis


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Einfluss der Windgeschwindigkeit auf die Transpiration und die Blattentwicklung von drei Reissorten (Oryza sativa L.)
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sebastian Deimel [Germany]

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Analysis of constraints for the optimization of nutrient use in soybean production in smallholder agriculture in North Ghana
Master of Science Thesis, Oswald Owusu-Akuoko [Ghana]
supported by the foundation fiat panis


Wassermanagement im Kulturpflanzenanbau in Südostanatolien mithilfe von AquaCrop
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ibrahim Koeran [Turkey]


Einfluss von fernroter und grüner Zusatzbeleuchtung auf das Wachstum und den Gaswechsel von Reis (Oryza sativa L.) während der Jugendentwicklung
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ezequiel Bruguera [Germany]

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Einfluss abiotischer Stressfaktoren auf das Blattwachstum bei Panicum maximum
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sophia Bothe [Germany]

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Reaktionen von Wachstum und Kornertrag eines Superzwergreis-Genotyps auf Veränderung des Stickstoff- und Lichtangebotes während der generativen Phase.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Oliver Knopf [Germany]

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Phenology and yield performance of upland rice under varying water supply
Master of Science Thesis, Kristina Klinkhammer [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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Effect of vegetation density on grazing behavior of free-ranging cattle in grasslands of Northeast Argentina
Master of Science Thesis, Cecilia Molo [Argentina]

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Effects of water availability and water management on the performance of NERICA 4 under rainfed conditions in semi-arid areas, Tanzania
Master of Science Thesis, Alexandra Schappert [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis


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Leaf growth and development as influenced by VPD and root zone temperature in rice
Master of Science Thesis, Vu Duy Hoang [Vietnam]

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Einfluss von atmosphärischer Feuchte auf Blattmorphologie und Transpirationsverhalten von Gartenbohne (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Alexander Stana [Germany]


Temperature and spectral reflectance in potato clones under progressive drought
Master of Science Thesis, Jesus Zamaran [Peru]

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Effects of implementing simple crop management options on yield of soy bean in small holder fields in Ghana
Master of Science Thesis, Elli Wahl [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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Effects of repeated bunch trampling by grazing cattle on the botanical composition of Argentinean grasslands
Master of Science Thesis, Saskia Windisch [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis


Optimization of water use and irrigation in paddy rice systems
Master of Science Thesis, Sara Davis [USA]


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Einfluss von Tag- und Nachttemperaturen auf Wachstumsparameter und Stomatadichte von Reis
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Victor Chrobaczek [Germany]

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Einfluss der Luftfeuchtigkeit während der Aufzucht von Paprika und Reis auf die Transpirationsraten bei variierendem Dampfdruckdefizit.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Eugen Jedig [Germany]

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Auswirkungen von hoch-intensiv Beweidung auf die Bodenwasserdynamik in Nord-Argentinischen Grasländern.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Rabea Mächtel [Germany]

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Einfluss von atmosphärischer Feuchte auf Blattmorphologie und Transpirationsverhalten von Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L.)
Bachelor of Science Thesis, André Stütz [Germany]


Responses of plants to chlorine stress - Mechanisms and Strategies
Master of Science Thesis, Julian Davies, [Ghana]

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Einfluss von VPD und Wasserverfügbarkeit auf das Transpirationsverhalten von Fallopia sp.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Fabian Clappers [Germany]

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Growth responses of irrigated rice to root-zone chilling under different Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) conditions
Master of Science Thesis, Jha Bhav [Nepal]

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Physiological responses of field-grown potato to water deficit
Master of Science Thesis, Leah Kuppinger [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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Erfassung der Gasverluste während der Blattneubildungsphase des Kautschukbaums (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.)
Master of Science Thesis, Ioana Petrova [Bulgaria]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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Species-Specific Estimation of Above-Ground Carbon Density by Optical In Situ Measurements of Light Interception in Semi-Arid Grasslands
Master of Science Thesis, Christina Seckinger [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Konzentrationen exogen applizierter ABA auf Transpiration und hydraulische Leitfähigkeit von Mais.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Maike Butzer[Germany]


Developing Water Extensive Alternatives for Agriculture in the Jordan Valley
Master of Science Thesis, Heike Kühner [Germany]

Auswirkungen von atmosphärischem Dampfdruckdefizit auf die Aufnahme und Verteilung von Natrium und Kalium in Gerste unter Salzstress
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Philipp Hornung [Germany]

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Effects of water management on microclimate and yield physiology in irrigated rice in semi-arid environments
PhD Thesis, Sabine Stürz [Germany]

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Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Konzentrationen und Einwirkzeiten extern applizierter ABA auf die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit von Sonnenblumenwurzeln.
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Viktoria Schmidt [Germany]

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Effects of seed coating on germination and early seedling growth in cereals.
PhD Thesis, Linda Gorim [Cameroon]

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Environmental growth and development requirements of Plukenetia volubilis
Master of Science Thesis, Carmen Trujillo [Chile]

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Assessment of Seasonal Leaf Area Dynamics and Above- Ground Carbon Sequestration in Specific Vegetation Types of a Semi-Arid Grassland in Southern Ethiopia
Master of Science Thesis, Bosco Kidake [Kenya]

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Auswirkungen von Mantelsaat auf das Keimverhalten von Süssgräsern unter Trockenstress
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Gwendolin Krauss [Germany]


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Potential use of pelagic algae (Sargassum ssp.) as supplement to animal nutrition in the coastal regions of Costa Rica
Master of Science Thesis, Sabine Wischnat [Germany]

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Relationship between fertilizer dose, feed value, and economic return of a grass-legume fodder crop
Master of Science Thesis, Sergiu Treer [Romania] 

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Keimung und frühes Sämlingswachstum von Plukenetia spp. unter variablen Umweltbedingungen
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Alexander Geromont [Germany]

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Responses of transpiration to salinity and Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in five Chinese Songnen grass species.
Master of Science Thesis, Hong Bin Wei [China]

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Die wichtigsten stärkeliefernden Pflanzen im globalen Vergleich
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Steve Davies [Germany]

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Influence of light quality and quantity on biomass accumulation in Fallopia sachalinensis
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Alexandra Schappert [Germany]

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Die wichtigsten ölliefernden Pflanzen im globalen Vergleich
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Philipp Behringer [Germany]

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"Environmental effects on physicsal properties of Geohumus and effects of its application on drought responses of maize"
PhD Thesis, Nha Van Duong [


"Auswirkungen von Wasserverfügbarkeit auf die Biomasse-bildung bei Fallopia sp."
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Markus Streck [Germany]


"Phyllochron of upland rice grown at low and high altitude climatic conditions"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Juy-Kieu Chak, [Germany]


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"Effects of variable water supply on root properties of sorghum and cowpea in mono- and inter-cropped systems"
Master of Science Thesis, Mercy Bah [Cameroon]

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"Effects of vegetation type and species composition on carbon stocks in semi-arid Ethiopian Savannahs"
Master of Science Thesis, Beatrice Breuer [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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"Relationship between vegetation type, soil type, soil moisture, and carbon stocks in semi-arid Ethiopian Savannahs"
Master of Science Thesis, Sarah Glatzle [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis


"Continental comparison of grassland ecosystems with particular reference to climate change"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Philipp Heck [Germany]

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"Genotypic responses of upland rice to an altitudinal gradient"
PhD Thesis, Suchit Shrestha [Nepal]

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"Physiological and growth responses of Jatropha curcas L. to water, nitrogen, and salt stress"
PhD Thesis, Arisoa Rajaona, [Madagascar]

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"Effects of management practices on carbon sequestration in semi-arid Ethiopian Savannahs"
Master of Science Thesis, Lena Rathjen [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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"Potential yield of Venezuelan maize varieties under variable water supply"
Master of Science Thesis, Gabriela Pereyra [Venezuela]


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"Relationship between vegetation cover and soil carbon in Northern Kenyan grasslands"
Master of Science Thesis, Barnabas Kurgat [Kenya]

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"Monitoring the encroachment of Northern Argentinean grasslands by invasive species using NDVI"
Master of Science Thesis, Ruben Gonzales [Argentina]

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"Adaptation mechanisms of Leymus chinensis to grazing and salt-alkali stress"
Master of Science Thesis, Yanhua Wang [China]

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"Transpirationsdynamik von Steppengräsern nach Trockenstress"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Caroline Weiler [Germany]

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"Characterizing effects and potential mechanisms of the mayor QTL "Pup1" in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)"
Master of Science Thesis, Hannes Karwat [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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"Effects of root-zone phosphorus concentration on root morphology of pearl millet"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Baldur Janz [Germany]

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"Auswirkungen externer Applikation von Abscisinsäure auf die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit der Wurzel von Ricinus communis L."
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Elena Begue [Germany]

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"Auswirkungen von Bodenhilfsstoffen auf Wurzel-Spross-Signale von Mais unter Trockenstress"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sandra Abendschein [Germany]

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"Effekte von unterschiedlichem atmosphärischen Wasserdampfdruckdefizits auf die Transpiration der chinesischen Steppengräser Stipa grandis und Leymus chinensis L."
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Lea Kuppinger [Germany]

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"Einfluss von Bodentemperatur auf Wachstum und Entwicklung von Sommergerste"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Sascha Groß [Germany]

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"Einfluss von Salzstress und Abscisinsäure auf die Wasserversorgung von Raps (Brassica napus L.)"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Ioanna Petrova [Germany]


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"Effect of root zone temperature and changes in precipitation on yield components and yield formation in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Triso)"
Master of Science Thesis, Fadi Kanso [Lebanon]

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"Bewertung der Salztoleranz von Jatropha curcas."
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Christina Seckinger [Germany]

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"Einfluss von ABA und osmotischem Stress auf die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit von Rhizinuswurzeln"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Moritz Rönneper [Germany]

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"The potential for irrigating Jatropha curcas with waste water"
Master of Science Thesis, Nele Sutterer [Germany]

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"Physiolgical aspects of water use effciency in selected irrigated rice genotypes grown in the Sahel"
Diplomarbeit, Julia Hartmann [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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"Optimization of aeroponic growth systems for rice"
Master of Science Thesis, Marc Schmierer [Germany]


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"Effects of rhizobacteria on root iron plaque formation in rice subjected to iron toxicity"
Master of Science Thesis, Sunilda Terré [Spain]

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"Indogenous knowledge and ecology of medicinal plants in Northern Thailand"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Manuel Hilscher [Germany]
supported by the foundation fiat panis

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"Influence of soil ameliorants on the availability of micro nutrients to industrial crop plants grown on marginal soils in Brandenburg"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Markus Winter [Germany]

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"Physiological and agronomic responses of selected rice genotypes to irrigation management practices in the Sahel"
Master of Science Thesis, Isabel Schlegel [Germany]
supported by GIZ/BEAF

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"Automatische Messung von Blattwachstumsraten unter Feldbedingungen" 
Diplomarbeit, Christian Heck [Germany


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"Virtuelles Wasser in der Baumwolle Australiens"
Bachelor of Science Thesis, Leonie Hahne [Germany]


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"Mechanistische Bewertung von Eisentoxizitätsresistenz bei Nassreis im Feldanbau im Mekong Delta, Vietnam"
Diplomarbeit, Sabine Stürz [Germany].
supported by the foundation fiat panis


"Photosynthesis responses to root-borne signals in lowland rice during early stages of chilling and drought stress" 
Diplomarbeit, Christina Ripken [Germany].

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"Phenological and agronomical responses of rice genotypes to changes in planting date in a high altitude cropping system of Nepal"
Master of Science Thesis, Suchit Prasad Shresta [Nepal]


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"Physiological mechanisms of iron toxicity in lowland rice"
Master of Science Thesis, Tam Aung [Myanmar].

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"Untersuchungen zur genotypischen Salzresistenz von Gerste in semi-ariden Gebieten"
(Genetic basis of Salt Tolerance of Afghan Barley Cultivars on the Basis of QTLs)
Diplomarbeit, Said Dadshani [Afghanistan].
supported by the foundation fiat panis


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"Morphological and Physiological Responses of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor  L. Moench) to Different Patterns of Drought"
Master of Science Thesis, Alhassan Abdulai [Ghana].

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"Phyllochron and Leaf Development in Field-grown Rice Genotypes und Varying Thermal Environments of a High Altitude Cropping System"
Master of Science Thesis, Raja Khanal [Nepal].


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"Modelling concepts for Sodium and Potassium Uptake in Rice Plants as a Function of Transpiration"
Master of Science Thesis, Sankar Das [Bangladesh].

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"Salinity Effects on Tiller and Leaf Appearance and on Development Rate of Individual Leaf Positions in Irrigated Rice"
Master of Science Thesis, Keshav Dahal ([Nepal].


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"Nitrate Reductase Activity in Rice as a Screening Tool for Weed Competitiveness"
Master of Science Thesis, Maurice Ouko [Kenya]

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"Developing a Standardized Procedure to Screen Lowland Rice (Oryza sativa ) Seedlings for Tolerance to Iron Toxicity"
Master of Science Thesis, Dilys Kpongor [Ghana].



"Stress responses and ABA root signals in relation to drought stress intensity in three upland rice cultivars"
Master Thesis KVL, Andrea Andreassen [Denmark].

Candidate genes for salinity tolerance in barley

Root-shoot-communication of rice subjected to drought

QTL assisted selection for salt tolerance of barley

Drought resistance traits in sorghum

Sowing the rice garden in Nepal