Evaluation of adaptation mechanisms of paddy rice to iron toxic
conditions - DFG 2008-2010
Iron toxicity in
lowland rice is a
condition caused by the microbial reduction of iron and involves an
excessive uptake of Fe (II) by the rice roots and its acropetal
translocation into the leaves. There, Fe(II) can cause oxidative
stress via an elevated production of oxygen radicals. The severity of
the stress and its damaging effects on rive depend mainly on the
amount of Fe (II) and the time of its occurrence and on type and
extend of rice cultivar’s tolerance mechanisms.
hypothesize that the environment-specific spatio-temporal variation in
conditions of iron toxicity occurrence requires differential
expression of adaptation mechanisms and their matching with
prevailing iron stress situations. The type and the
efficiency of adaptation mechanisms will be evaluated in
representative hydroponically-grown lowland rice cultivars as follows: (1) Identification of tolerant
cultivars: a) symptom expression and
tissue Fe content at different growth stages; b)
Dynamics of
(2) Evaluation of adaptation strategies:
a) Strategy I (Exclusion): Determination of the
oxidation power of roots; b) Strategy II (translocation and
partitioning): Quantification of Fe
and stress signals in
xylem and stem tissues; c) Strategy III (tissue tolerance): Avoidance
of oxidative stress by the activity of radical-scavenging enzymes.
(3) Classification of adaptation strategies regarding
their effectiveness to control/tolerate different Fe stress types.
The comparative evaluation is seen to allow the
assessment and differentiation of adaptation mechanisms required for
lowland rice to cope with the diverse conditions of iron toxicity
PhD |
Katrin Engel |
to DFG Database
to project leader - PiTroS - University of Bonn
Publications |
Paper |
Engel, K., Asch,
F., Becker, M., 2012.
Classification of rice genotypes based on
their mechanisms of adaptation to iron toxicity. Journal of Plant Nutrition
and Soil Science 175, 871-881 |
Poster |
Engel, K., Becker, M., Asch, F. 2008.
"Adaptation mechanisms in rice cultivars of different
origin to iron toxic conditions". Tropentag
2008, October 7-9, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart