2020 ATSAF
and GIZ Supporting Early Career Scientists –Junior Scientist Program (JSP)
and Upcoming PhDProgram ACINAR.
Asch, F. Tropentag 2020: Food and nutrition security and its
resilience to global crises, Tielkes, E. (ed.) - Witzenhausen, DITSL
Landscape-scale interactions between pastures, crops, trees and cattle
in savanna grassland systems
Marohn, C., Warth, B., Troost, C., Bateki, C.A., Dickhöfer, U.,
Berger, T., Asch, F., Birner, R., Cadisch, G., 2020. , Presented at the
10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software,
14-18.9.2020 "Modelling
for Environmental Sustainability". Brussels, Belgium
SkyRice -Grundnahrungsmittelproduktion unter kontrollierten
Umweltbedingungen am Beispiel von Zwergreis
Asch F.
20. Nov. 2019. Technische Universität Kaiserslautern. Fachbereich
2019 "Savanna
Grasslands - Awakening the sleeping giant?"
Asch F.
Brazil-Germany Symposium 2019 - Sustainable Development.
University of Hohenheim: Sep. 15 - 17, 2019
2019 "Climate
change –Sea level rise
Salt intrusion threatening rice production?"
Asch F.
10th Water Research Horizon Conference 2019. 18th-19th June 2019 -
Geozentrum Hannover, Germany
2018 "Skyfarming
- Primärproduktion aus dem Hochhaus"
Asch F.
DAFA, Strategisches Forum 2018 - Lebensmittel von morgen Science &
Fiction? 13. Nov. Niedersächsische Landesvertretung, Berlin
2018 "Schläft
der Riese tatsächlich: Das ökologische und landwirtschaftliche Potential
der Feuchtsavannen Afrikas?"
Asch F.
Café Scientifiique 12. März 2018. Cafe Felix, Robert-Bosch-Platz 1,
Stuttgart, Germany
International conference on smallholder targeted Agriculture 4.0 in
temperature limited cropping systems - STATCROPS
Asch F., and Cotter M.
20-21. September University of Hohenheim.
“Skyfarming” – food production under controlled conditions throughout
the year
Asch, F.
Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2016 (14–16 January 2016)
Zukunftsfähige Wassernutzung in der Landwirtschaft
Asch, F.
Studium generale - Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
Rhizosphere bacteria Bacillus strains in mitigation of biotic and
abiotic stresses in rice under oxic and anoxic conditions.
Le, T.T.H., Padgham, J., Fornies, S.T., Hartmann, J., Asch, F.
Recent Trends in PGPR Research for Sustainable Crop Productivity. 4th
Asian PGPR Conference, May 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam. -
proceedings here -
paper here -
Grasslands: nothing more than a vast natural resource?
Asch, F.
World Food Day Colloquium 2015. Food Security Center, Universität
Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Tied-Ridging: Great Concept, But Rare Implementation - A Review of
Knowledge and Risk Reduction Options
Germer, J., Asch, F., Schaffert, A.
Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts,
controversies and resolutions. Tropentag 2015 - September 2015, Berlin,
Germany -
paper here
Wasser - Eine begrenzte Ressource klug nutzen
Asch, F.
Kirchentag 2015, Stuttgart
The Energy Revolution - A potential
driver for rural development?
Asch, F.
50 Jahre Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum Feldafing
18.11.2014, Energiewende und Ländliche Entwicklung: Potenziale für
Innovationen“, keynote.
Impact of Irrigation System on Microclimatic Parameters and Gas
Exchange in Lowland Rice
Stuerz, S., Sow, A. , Asch, F.
Resilience of Agricultural Systems against Crises - Tropentag 2012 -
19-21 October 2012, Göttingen, Germany - paper here
Atmospheric conditions as modifiers of abiotic stress
Asch, F.
Plant Functioning under Environmental Stress - September 12-15, 2012,
Cracow, Poland
Skyfarming - Rice out of a skyscraper
Asch, F.
eschborndialogue 2012 -
Driving transformation — the city as a global player, Eschborn 6.6.2012
Skyfarming: An alternative to horizontal croplands
Asch, F.
Carrot City - Designing for Urban Agriculture. Closing session of the
exhibition "Die produktive Stadt". 9.5.2012 - Schloss Hohenheim
2011. Impact of
climatic conditions on rice yield under water-saving irrigation in the
Stuerz, S., Sow, A., Asch, F.
Development on the Margin - Tropentag 2011 - 5.-7. October 2011, Bonn,
Germany -
paper here
2011. Yield
stability and genotype x environment interactions of upland rice on an
altitudinal gradient in Madagascar.
Shrestha, S.P., Asch, F., Dusserre, J., Ramanantsoanirina, A.
Development on the Margin - Tropentag 2011 - 5.-7. October 2011, Bonn,
Germany -
paper here
2011. Effects of
soluble salts on water holding capacity of hydrophilic polymers: A case
study on Geohumus.
Duong Van Nha, Asch, F.
Development on the Margin - Tropentag 2011 - 5.-7. October 2011, Bonn,
Effect of temperature on relative yield and duration of lowland rice
under water-saving irrigation
Stuerz, S., Sow, A., Muller, B., Manneh, B., Asch, F.
International conference on crop improvement, ideotyping and modeling
for African cropping systems under climate change (CIMAC), 7.-9. 2.
2011, Hohenheim, Germany
Morphological traits and development of sorghum ideotypes for
coping with climate variability in Mali
Abdulai, A. L., Brueck, H., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Asch, F.
International conference on crop improvement, ideotyping and modeling
for African cropping systems under climate change (CIMAC), 7.-9. 2.
2011, Hohenheim, Germany
Phenological Responses of Upland Rice Grown Along an Altitude
Shrestha, S., Asch, F., Brueck, H., Ramanantsoanirina, A., Dusserre, J.
International conference on crop improvement, ideotyping and modeling
for African cropping systems under climate change (CIMAC), 7.-9. 2.
2011, Hohenheim, Germany
Climatic effects on genotype specific transpirational water use in
irrigated rice
Stuerz, S., Asch, F., Sow, A., Muller, B., Manneh, B.
The 28th International Rice
Research Conference, Climate Change and Rice Agriculture; November 8 -
12, 2010; Hanoi, Vietnam
Growth analysis of biomass production by diverse sorghum genotypes
under different scenarios of climate
Abdulai, A. L., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F.
European Society of Agronomy - AGRO2010 - XIth ESA Congress,
29.8.-3.8.2010, Montpellier
Plant production systems - Towards a none-fit-for-all solution
Press workshop 2010, Climate change, Hunger, and Migration -
Agricultural Research - The Chance for mankind
Hohenheim, 18. November 2010 - Invited lecture
Rice crop innovations and natural resource management - a glimpse to
the future
Africa Rice Congress 2010, Innovations and Partnerships to realize
Africa's Rice Potential, 22-26 March 2010, Bamako, Mali - key note
Responses of Sorghum Varieties to Climatic Variability — a Case Study
Within the Risocas Project
Abdulai, A.L., Kouressy, M., Vaksmann, M., Brueck, H., Asch, F.
Tropentag 2009: Biophysical and
Socio-economic Frame Conditions for the Sustainable Management of
Natural Resources, October 6 - 8, 2009, Hamburg, Germany -
Signalling from roots to shoots under
drought conditions in maize plants.
Maślak, J., Asch, F., Janowiak, F.
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 31 (Suppl. 1): S29–S30.
International conference on
"Eco-physiological aspects of plant responses to stress" 16 – 19. 09.
2009 - abstract
Klimawandel und Pflanzenzüchtung: Eine transdisziplinäre
Asch, F., Weidner A.
DLG/GFP-Symposium - Forschung gestaltet Zukunft - Klimawandel: Züchtung
für extreme Umwelten. Bonn, 25-26.3.2009. Vorträge für
Pflanzenzüchtung 81, 25-40. [PDF]
Potential für Bioenergieproduktion auf degradierten Flächen - ein
Beispiel aus Madagascar.
Sympossium II Montpellier - Hohenheim:
Agro-Biodiversität im Konflikt zwischen Nahrungsmittel- und
Energiesicherheit. Agropolis Montpellier 6. Nov. 2008
Options for the management of water use in energy crop production in
areas prone to summer drought.
Trimborn, M., Heck, C., Asch, F., Brueck, H. X. Congress of the
European Society for Agronomy. Multi-functional Agriculture - Agriculture
as a resource for energy and environmental preservation. Bologna, Italy
15-19 Sept. 2008
"Marginale Standorte für nachwachsende Rohstoffe – Widerspruch
oder Wirklichkeit?"
Deutsch-Französisches Symposium Klimawandel, Bioenergie und
Biodiversität, 31. 01. 2008, Universität Hohenheim
adaptation mechanisms of drought-prone systems"
2007. 9.-11-October 2007, Kassel-Witzenhausen
"Eisentoxizitätresistenz bei Reis: Merkmalsdefinition und
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung. 4-5. Oktober 2007.
Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle. Invited lecture. Vorträge für
Pflanzenzüchtung 73, 131-143
Physiologists and Breeders - A “natural lab” approach for salinity
Institut für Pflanzengenetik
und Kulturpflanzenforschung, 14.02.2007, Gatersleben. Invited Lecture.
"Vom Botenstoff zum Gesprächsstoff: Wie Wurzeln und Spross
miteinander kommunizieren". Public lecture, Dies Academicus, May
31st 2006, Universität Bonn.
"Adaptation von Genotypen an semi-aride Bedingungen -
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Züchtern und Physiologen"
Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Bonn. May 24th
2006. Colloquium.
“Saltstress in Rice: Translating experimental data into model
Institute of Plant Physiology (IPP), Polish Academy of Sciences,
Niezapominajek 21, PL-30-239 Kraków, Poland. March, 24th 2006. Invited
"Boron distribution shows sodium distribution in rice leaves to be
independent of transpiration".
Deutscher Tropentag 2005 – International Conference on Research for
Development in Agriculture and Forestry, Food and Natural Resource
Management – The Global Food and Product chain, Dynamics, Innovations,
Conflicts, Strategies. University of Hohenheim, 11. October 2005. Invited
"Modelling concepts for sodium and potassium distribution in
salt-stressed irrigated rice – getting closer"
Deutscher Tropentag 2004, International Research on Food Security, Natural
Resource Management and Rural Development - Rural Poverty Reduction
through Research for Development and Transformation. October
5-7, 2004, Humboldt-Universität-Berlin. Invited Lecture.
"Managing multiple constraints: A challenge and an opportunity for
systems research in tropical agriculture".
The Africa Rice Center – WARDA, July 26, 2004. Invited lecture.
"Challenges to Plant Physiologists: climatic influences on
genotypic responses to abiotic stresses".
Institute of Plant Physiology (IPP), Polish Academy of Sciences, Niezapominajek
21, PL-30-239 Kraków, Poland. 7. April 2004. Invited Lecture
"Genotype adaptation to semi-arid conditions -challenges to
breeders and physiologists".
Institut für Pflanzengenetik
und Kulturpflanzenforschung, 24.09.2003, Gatersleben. Invited Lecture.
"Saisonalität in Ertragsantworten salzgestresster Nassreissorten
unter semi-ariden Klimabedigungen"
Stress - Herausforderung für die Pflanzenzüchtung“, Gesellschaft für
Pflanzenzüchtung e.V., AG Ertrags- und Stressphysiologie, June 11th-12th
, 2003 Groß-Lüsewitz. Invited Lecture.
"Root-Shoot-Communication in
drought-stressed maize is modified by atmospheric conditions"
Deutscher Tropentag 2002, 9.-11. October 2002, Witzenhausen. Invited
"The role of abscisic acid in seed-set and kernel abortion
in drought-stressed field-grown maize"
Symposium on Fertilization and early seed development. AgroForum -
Tune Landboskole, March 13-14, 2001. Invited Lecture.
"Eco-physiology under semi-arid conditions".
Guest lecture at AB-DLO, Wageningen, Netherlands, 19.01.2001.
"Dry matter partitioning in drought stressed upland rice".
Guest lecture at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Department
of Geobotany. 18.01.2001.
und Temperatur: Herausforderungen für die Reiszüchtung in semi-ariden
Invited lecture at the Institute for Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. Christian-Albrechts-Universität,
Kiel, 19. 04. 2000.
"Agriculture in the Sahel: Prospects and Constraints".
Invited lecture in Agricultural sciences
and Resource management in the Tropics and Sub-tropics (ARTS) at the
Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
Bonn. 20. 01.2000
"Eco-physiological methods applied under semi-arid conditions".
Guest lecture at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Department
of Geo-botany. 19.01.2000
"Morphological traits for weed competitiveness in upland rice
Mini-Workshop on Rice-Weed competition modeling. West Africa Rice
Development Association, 25-27th October 1998. Lecture.
"Salinity – Screening tools for Rice".
Invited Lecture at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University,
December 11th, 1998, Copenhagen.
"Salinity Effects on Rice".
International Rice Production Course. 15.5.-26.5.1995. St. Louis, Sénégal.
"Effects of Season on the Salt Tolerance of Rice
4th Annual Meeting of the Irrigated Rice in the Sahel Task Force.
2.4.-4.4.1995. St. Louis, Sénégal. Invited Lecture.
"Physiological Stresses of Irrigated Rice caused by Soil Salinity
in the Sahel".
International Workshop on Irrigated Rice in the Sahel - Prospects for
sustainable Development. Lecture.
"Physiological Characterization of Selection Criteria for Variety
Tolerance to Salinity in Sahelian Irrigated Rice".
3rd Annual Meeting of The Irrigated Rice in the Sahel Task Force. 21.3. -
24.3.1994 Ségou, Mali. Lecture.