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since 2022 Managing Director of the Institute of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (Hans-Ruthenberg Institute) at the University of Hohenheim
2020-2022 Deputy Managing Director of the Institute of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (Hans-Ruthenberg Institute) at the University of Hohenheim
2016-2019 Member of the steering committee of the Hohenheim Research Center for global food security and ecosystems
2012-2015 Director of the Tropenzentrum of the University of Hohenheim
since 2014 Director of the Anton & Petra Ehrmann-Stiftung Research Training Group: Water - People - Agriculture (WPA)
2014-2016 Managing Director of the Institute for Plant Production and Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics at the University of Hohenheim
since 2010 Chairman of the board of ATSAF eV.
since 2008 Director of the international master program "AgriTropics" and speaker for all International Master Programs.
since 2007 Full Professor at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart.
2006 Co-organizer of the Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development - "Tropentag 2006". October 11-13 2006 in Bonn.
2006 Co-organizer and resource person of the DAAD-DIES-Seminar:  "Proposal Writing for International Research Projects," Second part, 26th-30th, June, 2006, Nairobi, Kenya
2005 Co-organizer and resource person of the DAAD-DIES-Seminar:  "Proposal Writing for International Research Projects," First part, 12th-17th, June, 2005, Nairobi, Kenya
2002-2007 Webmaster for the research group "Plant Nutrition in the Tropics and Subtropics" PITROS

Co-organizer of the  Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development - "Deutscher Tropentag 2001". October 9-11 2001 in Bonn.


Webmaster and Curriculum Coordinator for the Postgraduate Study Program ARTS - Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics


Assistant Professor at the Agricultural Chemistry Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany


Assistant Research Professor for Bioclimatology and Agrohydrology at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Department of Agricultural Sciences, Taastrup, Denmark - also web master


Post-doctoral fellow in WARDA's Systems Analyses Department as a crop modeler.


Organization of a Training Course in Crop Modeling in collaboration with Wageningen Agricultural University. WARDA 22-30th March 1999.


Organization of a Mini-workshop on Rice-Weed competition modeling. WARDA, 25-27th October 1998


Participation in the organization and implementation of an International Rice Production Course 15.5.-26.5. 1995


Participation in the organization and implementation of an "International Workshop on Irrigated Rice in the Sahel - Prospects for sustainable Development", 27.3.-31.3.1995 St. Louis, Sénégal.

1993 - 1995

Co-project coordinator of the GTZ - Special Project: "Salinity Tolerance in Irrigated Rice in the Sahel" at WARDA’s research station in St. Louis/Ndiaye, B.P. 96, Sénégal.

1993 - 1996

Research assistant at the Institute for General Botany and Botanical Garden, Dept. Plant Physiology

1992 - 1993

Research consultant for the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), St. Louis, Sénégal.


3 month work experience at the Wau Ecology Institute, Wau, Papua New Guinea